Face-Biting Cannibal: 'I Ate Something Bad... Humans'

The Florida college student that was accused of killing a couple and chewing on the dead man's [...]

The Florida college student that was accused of killing a couple and chewing on the dead man's face told the police deputies something horrifying.

According to the arrest documents, 19-year-old Austin Harrouff told the officers, "Help me, I ate something bad." When the officers asked what he ate, Harouff replied, "humans."

(Photo: Palm Beach Post)

From the court records obtain on Monday, The Post said that the documents show Harrouff begged the deputies to kill him after they were able to pull him off of John Stevens' body.

Harouff has been charged with murder in the second-degree after the August 15 attack on 59-year-old John Stevens and his 53-year-old wife Michelle Mishcon. The couple was murdered outside of their Tequesta home.

The prosecutors will be looking to slap Harrouff with first-degree murder charges in front of a grand jury. If Harrouff is found guilty of murder in the first degree, he will be eligible for the death penalty, according to the Associated Press.

Austin Harrouff is imprisoned at the Martin County Jail after being charged with two counts of second-degree murder with a weapon, one count of attempted first-degree murder with a weapon, and one count of burglary of a dwelling with assault or battery.

The news recently broke that the cannibal face-biter gave an interview with Dr. Phil. On October 3, he talked to the television psychiatrist only days before his arrest.

Martin County Sheriff William Snyder said that his department was aware of the phone interview, but there was no legal way that the authorities could have prevented the interview.

However, the son of the man who was murdered has stated that the sheriff could have arrested the cannibal sooner, according to the Palm Beach Post. John Stevens IV spoke out about the Dr. Phil interview and said that the sheriff's office should have arrested Harrouff sooner.

"It may be his right to give a phone interview, but if the process would have been followed like any other double murderer (and he was arrested immediately), he may have not been so inclined to give an interview from jail," Stevens said.

Since Harrouff's October arrest, Stevens IV has mentioned that he believes that Austin Harrouff was given the benefit of white privilege.

"I've never seen a black or minority suspect with such an inherent sympathetic spin (as Harrouff is getting)," he said. "They make him seem as sympathetic as possible because he's privileged and white, and it's really and really sad."

How do you think the police reacted when Austin Harrouff told them that he had eaten the people he is accused of killing?

[H/T AP News]