A Picture Of Donald Trump Voting Has Surfaced, And The Internet Is Having A Field Day

A photo of Donald J. Trump has surfaced on social media that has the Internet going crazy. In this [...]

A photo of Donald J. Trump has surfaced on social media that has the Internet going crazy. In this viral image, it appears that the Republican Presidential nominee is trying to take a sneak peak at his wife Melania Trump's selections on her Election Day voting ballot.

Twitter user Amanda Marcotte took a screenshot of a CNN broadcast, and tweeted the image with the caption: "This picture is everything."

As you might imagine, social media users have been having a field day with the photo and took to Twitter to share their thoughts on the image. Some of the reactions are absolutely hilarious.

Here's a few of the best Twitter reactions on the Donald Trump photo:

While Donald Trump may have been trying to look at his wife's ballot, it seems that he wasn't the only one in his family caught in the act. His son Eric Trump was photographed doing what appears to be the exact same thing!

Election Day has proved to be just about as strange as the campaign season itself. Earlier on Tuesday, another incident involving Donald Trump went down at the billionaire real estate mogul's polling place at around 8:15 in the morning when two women burst into the voting center and protested Trump's presidency by parading around topless and shouting. Check out why they were protesting here topless here.

In addition to this bizarre incident, Donald Trump's son, Eric Trump, got himself into a bunch of trouble on Tuesday morning. He pulled a Justin Timberlake and broke the law by sharing a photo on social media that you are definitely not allowed to. Eric Trump could be facing a hefty fine in addition to a year in prison if he is convicted of a crime.

What are your thoughts on this humorous Donald Trump photo that looks like he is glancing at his wife Melania's voting ballot?

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[H/T Twitter: Amanda Marcotte]