Justin Timberlake Concert Canceled After Singer Suffers 'Severely Bruised' Vocal Cords

Justin Timberlake canceled a performance at Madison Square Garden on Wednesday night, explaining [...]

Justin Timberlake canceled a performance at Madison Square Garden on Wednesday night, explaining he was recently diagnosed with "severely bruised" vocal chords.

Timberlake took to Instagram on Wednesday evening, apologizing to fans for the last minute cancellation. He assured them he was only dropping out of the show in light of his condition and following doctor's orders. He then announced a rescheduled date in New York City right away.

"Hey guys, I'm sorry to announce I have to postpone the show at MSG tonight on doctor's orders," he wrote. "I'm gonna make this up to you and the new show will be on my birthday, January 31. More info to come. Again, I'm so sorry to do this, but excited to see you soon. Love, J."

It was unclear if Timberlake's message meant that tickets were being refunded, or if they would be honored at the end of January when he returns to the Big Apple. The singer has another concert scheduled for Sunday in Buffalo, New York. Fans blew up the comments of Timberlake's post with well-wishes and disappointment.

"Nooooooo. He was sick the last time he came and had to cancel a NYC show so our show got pushed back monthsssss!!!" noted one fan. "Hopefully he rests up in time for buff."

"We flew in from Montana to see you!," wrote another with a crying face emoji. "Guess you will have to do a private show at the YC for us. Get better soon."

"I just saw the show last Thursday, completely understand why you need some time off!" added a third commenter. "You've been going non-stop for almost a year now! Take some time to rest, I'm more than sure the show on your birthday will be everything and more! Feel better soon."

Timberlake managed to make his Monday night performance, which was also at Madison Square Garden. After he announced his cancellation, the venue's official account posted a message as well, and promised to clue fans in on the rescheduled concert soon. They clarified that the original tickets would be honored on Jan. 31.

"As a result of bruised vocal chords, the Justin Timberlake Man of The Woods concert in New York tonight is postponed until January 31st," it read. "Fans are advised to hold onto their tickets as they will be honored at the rescheduled event."

"Justin Timberlake apologizes for the inconvenience to his New York fans but looks forward to celebrating his birthday at the rescheduled event," Madison Square Garden added later.