Malayalam filmmaker Shafi, real name Rasheed M. H., died on Sunday, Jan. 26 after suffering a stroke more than a week earlier, according to Kaumudi Online. The beloved director, known for films like Dileep-starrer Kalyanaraman and Thommum Makkalum, was admitted to a private hospital in Kochi on Jan. 16 and underwent emergency brain surgery. He’d been on a ventilator, and passed away just after midnight Sunday at the age of 57.
Born Rasheed M. H. in February 1968, Shafi was known for his work in Malayalam cinema. He got his start in the film industry as an assistant director under filmmaker Rajasenan. He went on to make his directorial debut in 2001 with the film One Man Show, marking the start of a storied career that would span two decades and see him direct a total of 18 films.
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Some of his most notable works include Pulival Kalyanam, Thommanum Makkalum, Mayavi, and Chattambinadu. His frequent collaborations with actor Dileep led to several blockbusters, including Kalyanaraman, Marykkundoru Kunjaadu, and Two Countries. He also often collaborated with writer Benny P Nayarambalam, per The Indian Express, and made a Tamil film, Majaa, starring Vikram, Pasupathy, and Asin. His final release was 2022’s Anandam Paramanand.
Many of Shafi’s collague’s mourned the famed director following his passing, with actor Vishnu Unnikrishnan sharing on Facebook, per India Today, “Shafi sir has departed, leaving behind laughter and unforgettable stories that will be cherished forever. Tributes!!” On their Instagram Stories, Prithviraj Sukumaran shared a photo of Shafi, adding, “Rest in peace (red heart emoji).” Actor Vikram also paid his respects, sharing an emotional tribute on X.
“Today, I lost a dear friend and the world lost an incredible storyteller. He was one of the most fun loving & sensitive souls I’ve ever known, someone who could see the beauty in life’s simplest moments,” he wrote. “He may no longer walk among us, but he will always live in the laughter, the emotions, and the memories he gave us. Rest in peace, my friend. You will always be missed, but never forgotten.”
Shafi was laid to rest at Kaloor Juma Masijd on Sunday. He is survived by his wife, Shamila, and daughters Aleema and Salma.