Man With Hole In His Face Discusses His Life

WARNING: Graphic content.A 71-year-old man named Edward Crook was admitted to the hospital in [...]

WARNING: Graphic content.

A 71-year-old man named Edward Crook was admitted to the hospital in 2008. He said that his top lip was sore, and the pain had been getting worse. The spot on his face turned out to be cancerous, and the operation that he underwent left him being disfigured.

Upon being taken into the Manchester Royal Infirmary, Crook was told that he would be in the hospital for 10 days at most. Needless to say, Crook was utterly shocked when he woke up from a coma two-and-a-half months later with a hole in the middle of his face according to Lad Bible.

(Photo: SWNS)

Mr. Crook was told by the doctors that about two square inches was going to be taken away from his shoulder to replace what had been removed from his face.

Now, Crook not only has a hole in his face, but also he has a chunk missing from his shoulder.

The pensioner has never been told as to why it was necessary to do the surgery, and then the subsequent operation that took a spot of his shoulder.

The bosses at the hospital said the procedure that a life-saving operation, but admitted that a complication occurred in the process.

"I can't do anything, they cut me to pieces," Crook said. "I hadn't a clue what was going to happen. If I had known this would happen I would never have agreed to it."

According to the doctors at the MRI, Mr. Crook rejected their offer of reconstructive surgery. He did not trust the hospital and asked that any procedures be carried out elsewhere, according to Manchester Evening News.

Mr. Crook, who resides in Bolton, has said that the incident left him housebound and that he regularly receives cruel comments from onlookers. He has also been prevented from enjoying his hobbies such as fishing and darts.

A spokesperson for the hospital said: "Mr. Crook underwent a complex life-saving surgical procedure at the Manchester Royal Infirmary in 2008 and we were pleased that he survived the surgery which was successful. Unfortunately a complication precluded the planned reconstructive surgery. Mr. Crook did not take up our follow-up offer of reconstructive surgery at the time. We continue to offer treatment and support and the offer of reconstructive surgery remains open."

(Photo: SWNS)

Mr. Crook took the case to court in an attempt to recover damages from the hospital for the botched operation.

"They said this and that, but at the end of the three year period they said I didn't have a case," Crook said.

What are your thoughts about 71-year-old Edward Crook being left with a hole in his face from the hospital?

[H/T Lad Bible]