Woman Gives Birth to 11-Pound Baby at Home With No Drugs

This woman deserves a trophy for pain tolerance! The mother, Natalie Bancroft from Washington, [...]

(Photo: Laura Fifield Photography)

This woman deserves a trophy for pain tolerance! The mother, Natalie Bancroft from Washington, gave birth at home with no physician and no painkillers. If that wasn't already wild and crazy enough, the newborn weighed in at a whopping 11 pounds and 2 ounces.

According to the woman's birthing photographer, Lara Fifield, said that while she was expecting to give birth to a larger infant, everyone was anticipating the little one to weigh in around 9 pounds. Needless to say, everyone was shocked when the official weight was recorded, according to Inside Edition.

"It was quite a big baby!" Fifield said.

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The little boy, when he arrived, was about the same size as an average 4-month-old. Though we can't believe she managed this birth without any painkillers at all, it is Bancroft's second home birth and little Simon is her third child.

"It's a different mindset than being in a hospital," Fifield said. "The midwives take a hands-off procedure. They don't check your dilation every hour."

Fifield also notes that during a home birth mothers are encouraged to walk around, using gravity to assist moving the infant into the birthing canal. Bancroft alternated between a birthing pool and the bathroom, but overall her birth was fairly brief, lasting only about four hours.

Bancroft handled the whole thing brilliantly according to the photographer who said she was "very, very calm" and "had no problems at all."

"She just started laughing," Fifield said of the moment Simon started to crown. "She was so relieved."

All we can say is more power to this mama!


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