Why You're Always Cold, Even In Warm Weather

Despite the warm weather that has finally decided to make an appearance, some of us often [...]

Despite the warm weather that has finally decided to make an appearance, some of us often struggle with keeping our internal temps up. Contrary to popular belief, staying warm doesn't always have to do with what's going on with the weather! If you constantly find yourself shivering despite the sun, it may be time to stop adding layers and take a look at some other potential causes. There are several potential conditions out there that can bring on those goose bumps!

cold woman cup of coffee

>> Read more: 5 Tips for Getting Out of Bed on a Cold Morning 

It may be anemia. Anemia, a condition where your body does not produce enough normal red blood cells to carry enough oxygen through your system, is one of the most common causes of those chills. There are many different types of anemia, but feeling constantly cold is one of the primary symptoms. Other common symptoms include fatigue, irregular heartbeats, and pale skin.

It may be that time of the month. Women tend to be the primary sufferers when it comes to cold sensitivity, and that is due to the abundance of the hormone estrogen in our bodies. Estrogen can act as a trigger for a mechanism in our systems that limits blood flow to our hands and feet. When our estrogen levels spike during our menstrual cycle, we are more likely to layer up!

It may be hypothyroidism. Your thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland at the bottom of your neck, helps to control your metabolism. When your thyroid does not produce enough hormones, then your body will struggle to process those chemicals effectively. People who suffer from hypothyroidism often feel cold, possess thinning hair and dry skin, and are prone to weight gain and fatigue.

thyroid doctor

It may be a low metabolic rate: For those who suffer from a slow metabolism, feeling cold is often a frequent side effect. In laymen's terms, people with a high metabolism burn more calories, which increases blood flow, which results in more body heat. Muscle mass plays a key role in boosting your metabolism: The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism is, and the warmer you are.

It may be a problem with your blood vessels. If you continually experience cold in your extremities, then you may be suffering from a blood vessel disorder such as clotting disorders, arteriosclerosis (the narrowing of blood cells), or Raynaud's disease (a series of spasms of narrowing arteries to the extremities). These conditions are pretty serious, so if you suspect that you may be suffering from one of them, it's time to call your doctor.

It may be diabetes. Those who are prediabetic or diabetic often suffer from poor blood circulation, which frequently results in cold hands and feet. Also, long-term diabetics often suffer from kidney damage, known as diabetic nephropathy. One common symptom of this condition is — you got it! — feeling cold all the time.

>> Read more: 15 Recipes for People with Diabetes


It may be anorexia. Unfortunately, eating disorders don't necessarily disappear after high school. More and more adults — especially women — fall prey to a myriad of weight disorders, especially anorexia. People who suffer from this disease often feel constantly cold because they lack the weight and energy to keep themselves warm.

If you find that you can't shake the cold, there are variety of things you can try to kickstart your internal furnace. Living a healthy life and eating right are always essential. Also, exercising can go a long way in increasing your blood flow, so if those chills are setting in, try hitting the gym or going for a walk around the neighborhood. Above all, make sure you check with your doctor if you think you may have one of these conditions. If you are looking for more information, check out our sources: WebMD and TIME.com.
