Mom Gets Brutally Honest on Facebook About How Looks Can Be Deceiving

A mom is setting record straight that much more lies beneath the surface than what appears.With [...]

A mom is setting record straight that much more lies beneath the surface than what appears.

With her gorgeous hair and blue eyes, Cierra Fortner may seem as though she has it all. But the 21-year-old Missouri native begs to differ.

"Today I was at Walmart doing my weekly Friday shopping when the cashier says to me, 'I see you in here all the time, your kids are always dressed cute, behaving and you just seem to have it all together," she said. "At the time I just thanked her and giggled because that's far from the truth, but as I drove home there was more I wanted her to know about me."

She continued, "I want her to know I battle a personality disorder every day with anxiety and depression mixed and I'm a two times suicide survivor. I want her to know that I can't always get myself up off the couch to feed them anything more than frozen pizza and cereal."

She admitted that her 4-year-old is late "3 out of 4 days" a week and she constantly has "I'm losing my s—t moments" where she goes into the bathroom and cries.

"I want her to know that I hadn't washed my hair in 3 days and my kids hadn't had a bath in 2. I want her to know that I was trying to hurry out of [Walmart] because I had forgot the diaper bag at home and Brenton was hungry," she wrote.

While the entire post seemed to be a rant, she did end on a happy note.

"But most importantly I want her to know I don't have it together and may never have it all together. I don't know a mother out there that has it all together but everything we do is done with love for our children," ended Fortner. "From one exhausted mom to another, you're doing great, have that melt down, let your kids eat the crap out of that cereal and take care of yourself always."

Fortner's honest post has been shared more than 150,000 times on Facebook and other social media platforms.

"I wrote the post because I felt alone for a long time in my struggle with anxiety and depression, and I never want a mom to feel alone in her struggle," she told Us Weekly.

"It's OK to cry and break down, it's OK to not always be OK. Celebrate the days you have it together and the days you don't, because that's another day you made it in the baddest hood there is, motherhood."


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