Lady Antebellum’s Hillary Scott Knows You’ll Love the Way You Look in Her Boho-Chic Fashion Line

As frontwoman of Lady Antebellum, Hillary Scott may be most well known for her masterful vocals, [...]

(Photo: Bryan Kasm/HSN)

As frontwoman of Lady Antebellum, Hillary Scott may be most well known for her masterful vocals, but her newest venture is making waves in another arts scene: the world of fashion. The singer recently teamed up with HSN to create a clothing line that's the aesthetic parallel to her musical stylings.

Named LaBellum, the collection focuses on feel-good fashion with an accessible, inviting vibe that's sure to please fans of Scott's style on stage and off. We caught up with her to learn more about the inspiration behind this stylish new project!

MORE: Don't Wait a Second Longer to Shop Lady Antebellum Star Hillary Scott's New Fashion Line

Aside from the super cute pieces you'll find in the collection, you'll also notice the insistence of inclusion throughout the brand. LaBellum is for women "at any age, in any occupation and at any size," Scott says, something that's woefully rare in the fashion industry today. "I wanted to design this collection to make every woman feel good about themselves when they wear it," she explains.

As tall of an order as that sounds, Scott has managed to pull it off. It certainly helps that her mission was close to home, and near to her heart. "When I became a mother, I received this extra boost of self-confidence and awareness; self-confidence in the fact that I had brought a baby girl into this world, and [became] so acutely aware of what a sometimes-warped definition of beauty exists in this world," Scott recalls. "I wanted to start embodying, from the inside out, what beauty really is so my daughter [would be] raised seeing that."

Now that Scott can add 'designer' to her resume, she's busier than ever. "The family/work balance is a tough one," she admits. But for Scott, it was never a question of whether or not to pursue this new project: "Working on [the line] is fun and exciting… being creatively inspired in a new way makes for an adventure I wasn't going to miss," she says.

(Photo: Bryan Kasm/HSN)

There were also places in the creative process where Scott's expertise came in handy. "This process, just like a song, was collaborative. I always enjoy working with creative minds that are different than mine, and also much more experienced," she reasons. But much of the style of LaBellum is directly inspired by Scott's own life. "The lace toppers [in the collection] are definitely pieces from LaBellum that I have in other forms in my personal closet," she tells us.

Outside of her own closet, Scott also draws inspiration from other musicians she admires. "I love [Little Big Town member] Karen Fairchild's style. She is pushing the boundaries of what I've ever seen a female country artist wear on stage and I LOVE it," she gushes. "It's interesting and feminine and special," not unlike LaBellum, we think!

But above all, the guiding principle for the line was to design pieces that real women could feel beautiful in. According to Scott, even she is susceptible to the negative self-talk that dominates the internal monologues of so many women. "Negative self-talk is the most dangerous kind," she says. "I pray every day to see myself and those around me like God does."

(Photo: Bryan Kasm/HSN)

She admits to scrawling messages of encouragement on her bathroom mirror with a dry-erase marker—a tip we thoroughly endorse. "It's a good nugget of truth to take with you as you start and end your day," she explains.

We'll be sure to add this to our morning routine of singing 'You Look Good' into our hairbrushes...

Ready to shop this country gal's new line? Check out our favorite pieces from Hillary's LaBellum collection! You can also watch HSN TV Thursday, April 20, at 8PM CST to see Hillary debut her gorgeous line.


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