Here's How Much More You Eat When You Don’t Get Enough Sleep

Research already shows that not getting enough sleep can lead to weight gain, which doesn’t bode [...]


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Research already shows that not getting enough sleep can lead to weight gain, which doesn't bode well for moms and students who are already fighting tooth and nail to get a full night of sleep. So when we heard that sleep deprivation and overeating were linked, we had to research further.

The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that those who didn't sleep enough at night actually ate an average of 385 more calories than they needed per day. The research also found that their sleep-deprived study participants moved less during the day because they were tired, and ate significantly less protein than they needed.

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So what's the deal? Why does a lack of sleep give you the munchies?

The study showed that sleep deprivation messes with your appetite and hormones big time, and may "heighten the motivation to seek food for reward." So next time you don't get enough ZZZs, beware! The ice cream stand might look yummier than usual.

For the more than 40 percent of people who suffer from sleep deprivation, weight loss can be a daunting task. Not only will you spend more time consuming nasty calories and fats, but those that sleep less than six hours a day were 30 percent more likely to become obese than those who slept over seven. That's because sleep loss triggers an increased appetite and is associated with a lower metabolism because your body is running on less energy.

"It would be better not to get sleep-deprived in the first place," Charles Czeisler, the chief of the Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders at Birgham and Women's Hospital in Boston told CNN. "However, once you are there, it is important to get as much sleep as possible as quickly as possible. That is where naps can help a lot."

So the next time you don't get the rest you need, prepare to be tempted by all sorts of sugary, fatty foods. Hold off on the extra snacking and get to bed early that night instead. You'll be glad you did.


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