Drool-Worthy Desserts Remixed Into Healthy Smoothies

The desire for dessert is an ailment that strikes us all from time to time - or every day if [...]

The desire for dessert is an ailment that strikes us all from time to time - or every day if we're keeping it real. The craving for a delectable dessert can derail our ambitions to cut calories. Finding a way to savor the sweet flavors that you crave, minus the guilt that comes along with sinful splurges is where our list of smoothie remixes comes into save the day…and save the waistline.

Incorporate these drool-worthy dessert smoothies into your menu and you'll curb the temptation to face plant into a fluffy chocolate cake. Or, simply reach for these simple smoothie recipes when that need for sugar strikes to make a healthier swap that still leaves you full and sweet-tooth satisfied.

1. Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie: Brought to you by Gwenyth Paltrow's Goop.com, this classic ice cream flavor has probably been in everyone's freezer at one time or another. Instead of reaching for the bowl and spoon, reach for the blender and whip up this healthier version, smoothie style.

mint chocolate chip smoothie from goop

2. Apple Pie A La Mode Smoothie: The deliciousness of a traditional dessert remixed into a scrumptious smoothie made with ingredients you likely have sitting in your kitchen. A skinny swap for a classic favorite, this smoothie will satisfy a sweet craving in a cinch.

skinny mom apple pie a la mode smoothie

3. Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie: Who doesn't need a cheesecake fix every once in a while? This smoothie spin on a cheesecake inspired dessert even packs in an optional graham cracker crunch (you could also use granola). Drooling yet? (photo credit)

strawberry cheesecake smoothie

4. Banana Pumpkin Spice Smoothie: You don't have to dream of pumpkin pie holidays or splurge on this traditional dessert that can pack in hundreds of calories per slice when you can whip up this skinny remix of banana pumpkin spice.

banana pumpkin spice smoothie

5. Skinny Creamsicle Smoothie: If your craving is calling for refreshing and fruity, this lip-smacking dessert remix will fulfill your fruit-filled needs and will no doubt satisfy that stubborn sweet tooth!

orange creamsicle smoothie

Want some more sensational smoothie recipes? Check out our favorites on our Smoothie Recipe Index and Smoothie Pinterest Board!