Here's Every 'Game of Thrones' Spoiler in One Place
Game of Thrones is the most popular show on television, but it's not for everyone. Maybe you don't [...]
Season 1
Daenerys's brother Viserys is killed by Drogo after he attempts to hurt Daenerys. Drogo kills him by pouring molten gold over his head, ironically fulfilling Drogo's promise to put a crown on his head.
Ned Stark gets beheaded after he discovers that King Robert's children are actually the result of incest between Queen Cersei and her brother Jaime. After Robert dies (the result of a boar hunt orchestrated by Cersei,) Ned attempts to secure the throne for Robert's brother, but he's betrayed by Littlefinger, resulting in his execution.
Ned's son Robb rides south with an army to rescue his father, but upon learning of his father's execution, he captures Jamie Lannister and is declared "King of the North" by his followers. His mother Catelyn also secures the aid of the Freys in exchange for Robb agreeing to marry one of Lord Frey's daughters.
Daenerys loses her baby after a witch uses blood magic to "save" her husband Khal Drogo from an infected wound. Drogo is left in a vegetative state from the magic, so she kills him out of mercy and then walks into his funeral pyre. She emerges unharmed with three dragons, hatched from eggs given to her at her wedding.
Season 2
Stannis Baratheon, who believes himself to be the rightful king, plans an invasion of King's Landing. After his younger brother Renly raises his own army and declares himself king, Stannis assassinates him using a shadow assassin created by the red witch Melisandre. Melisandre literally births the shadow assassin. It's weird.
After Renly's army joins Stannis, he invades King's Landing but is repulsed by the Lannister forces when they use wildfire to destroy the bulk of his fleet. Renly's lover Ser Loras Tyrell joins the Lannisters to rout Stannis once and for all.
Robb marries a healer named Talisa instead of a Frey. His mother, meanwhile, frees Jamie in exchange for the safety of her two daughters. Arya escapes King's Landing. She befriends a "faceless man" called H'ghar, who later assists them in escaping Lannister forces.
Jon Snow, Ned's bastard son and a member of the Night's Watch, joins a massive search for his missing uncle north of the Wall. He finds out that a wildling named Craster sacrifices his male children to the White Walkers, a group of ancient ice demons that are raising an army of the dead to invade Westeros. Jon is later captured by other wildlings and kills a second member of the Night's Watch to infiltrate the wildlings' ranks.
While Robb continues to win battles in the south, his brothers Bran and Rickon are betrayed by Theon Greyjoy, a former "hostage" of Ned who was raised as a brother to the Starks. Bran, Rickon, and several companions escape and Theon fakes their deaths to hide his incompetence. Theon's soldiers later betray him and abandon Winterfell.
Season 3
Robb Stark's war ends at the Red Wedding, when the Freys betray him and kill him, his wife, his unborn child, his mother Catelyn, and most of their forces. The Freys are aided by Roose Bolton, whose forces have also captured Winterfell from Theon.
Roose's bastard son Ramsey captures Theon, tortures him, and ultimately cuts off his genitals.
Jon Snow discovers the wildlings are going to attack the Wall while fleeing from the White Walkers. He takes a wildling lover, Ygritte, although she ultimately tries to kill him when he flees back to the Wall.
Sansa Stark is married to Tyrion Lannister in a "sham" marriage, which angers his lover Shae. Meanwhile, King Joffrey is betrothed to Margaery Tyrell.
Jaime Lannister loses his hand when he's captured by Bolton forces. Jaime later makes it back to King's Landing.
Arya is ultimately captured by Sandor Clegane, Joffrey's former bodyguard, who attempts to return to her family in exchange for money. Unfortunately, they arrive at the Red Wedding right after the murdering starts.
Daenerys gains a legion of Unsullied soldiers and takes two foreign cities, freeing their slaves in the process.
Season 4
King Joffrey dies at his wedding to Margaery, after he is secretly poisoned by Margaery's grandmother. Cersei blames Tyrion and Sansa. Sansa escapes King's Landing with the help of Littlefinger, but Tyrion is arrested and demands a trial by combat. Tyrion's champion Oberyn Martell gets his head crushed by Cersei's champion Gregor Clegane. However, Tyrion is freed by his brother Jaime before his execution.
During his escape from King's Landing, Tyrion murders his father Tywin and his ex-lover Shae, who had betrayed him during his trial.
Sansa heads to the Vale to see her aunt Lysa, but Littlefinger reveals that he's in love with Sansa. Lysa (who is married to Littlefinger) finds out and threatens to kill her, but Littlefinger kills Lysa instead.
Jon Snow and the Night's Watch repels a massive wildling attack, but at the cost of most of their forces. Ygritte dies in Jon Snow's arms during the battle. The remaining Wildlings are rounded up by Stannis Baratheon, who has headed north to consolidate his forces.
Bran Stark, who traveled north of the Wall with several companions, arrives at the Three-Eyed Raven's lair, although not before one of his companions, Jojen, is killed by attacking wights.
Daenerys takes the city of Meereen, but holds off on her planned invasion of Westeros after learning that the previous two cities she invaded both re-adopted slavery shortly after she left. She also chains up two of her dragons when they start eating humans.
Season 5
Jon Snow is named Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, but he's assassinated by several of his subordinates who were unhappy about his decision to let the wildlings south of the Wall.
Arya heads to the city of Braavos and reunites with H'ghar, who agrees to train her in the ways of the faceless men. However, she's blinded after assassinating one of Cersei's allies.
Sansa is married off to Ramsey Bolton by Littlefinger in an attempt to consolidate his power. Ramsey rapes Sansa and subjects her to various abuses. However, she escapes with the help of Theon, who has become Ramsey's manservant after his own torture.
Tyrion is captured by Jorah Mormont, one of Daenerys's oldest followers who was exiled for spying on Daenerys for King Robert. Tyrion and Mormont makes his way to Daenerys and Tyrion becomes one of Daenerys's advisors. Meanwhile, Daenerys deals with an rebel uprising in Meereen and flees on the back of one of her dragons during an attempted assassination attempt.
Stannis Baratheon's army are defeated by Ramsey Bolton, even though Stannis sacrificed his own daughter at the advice of Melisandre. In the aftermath, Stannis is killed by Brienne, a female knight formerly sworn to Stannis's brother Renly and who witnessed his assassination.
Cersei allies herself with the High Sparrow, a fanatical religious leader, but she's later arrested for her incestuous relationship with her brother and cousin, the latter of whom had become one of the Sparrow's followers. Cersei is forced to make a "walk of shame" through the cities naked.
Cersei's daughter Myrcella is poisoned by Oberyn's lover Ellaria Sand in retribution for Oberyn's death.
Season 6
Jon Snow is resurrected by Melisandre, who is revealed to be an ancient crone. After executing those who betrayed him, Jon reunites with his sister Sansa and recruits a small army to retake Winterfell from Ramsey Bolton, who has taken Jon and Sansa's brother Rickon hostage. Jon wins the "Battle of the Bastards" with the help of an army from the Vale. Rickon dies during the battle and Sansa has Ramsey fed to his hunting dogs.
Arya masters the way of the Faceless Men and returns to Westeros. She kills Walder Frey after feeding him two of his sons in a pie.
Bran learns how to use weirwood trees to see into the past and present from the Three-Eyed Raven. The Night's King (the leader of the White Walkers) attack the Three-Eyed Raven's lair and kill him. During Bran's escape, he wargs into his friend Hodor and accidentally "touches" him in the past. We learn that Hodor's name (the only thing he can say) comes from "Hold the door," the final thing he hears before his death.
Bran makes his way home to Winterfell, having been rescued by his long lost uncle Benjen, who has become an undead knight following his death at the hands of the White Walkers.
Cersei blows up the Sept of Baelor with most of her rivals inside to get out of a planned trial for her various sins. Her son Tommen's wife Margaery was inside the Sept and Tommen commits suicide as a result. Cersei becomes queen of Westeros after his son's death.
Daenerys snuffs out the rebellion of Meereen and heads to Westeros with the help of Theon Greyjoy and his sister, who fled Westeros after their crazy uncle Euron assumed control of their house.
Season 7
Daenerys lands on Westeros and starts her invasion. However, her navy is attacked by Euron Greyjoy and most of her army is stranded at Casterly Rock, which was abandoned by the Lannisters to attack some of Daenerys's other allies.
Jon Snow meets with Daenerys after learning that her castle is built on a hoard of dragonglass, one of the few substances that can kill White Walkers.
Arya kills off the rest of House Frey and then makes her way home to Winterfell. She also meets Ed Sheeran.
Bran also returns home to Winterfell, but his experiences in the North has left him detached from the world.