Deep down, everyone wishes they had they had the power to cast magical spells. Amazon seemingly realizes this too, and have a cool, new hack that can transform any ordinary muggle into a wand-wielding wizard.
It’s simple. To cast your spell, just type it into Amazon’s search bar. It’s not required that you wave a wand (or your finger) but we strongly suggest you do.
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Then, watch as the screen reacts to your sorcery skills.
If you type in Aguamenti, for example, your screen will flood with water.
Incendio will set your screen ablaze.
Is your room too dark? Try casting Lumos.
Feeling destructive? Reducto is the spell for you.
Finally, we have Orchidheous, which will transform your screen into a rapidly-blooming garden of flowers.
Which is your favorite spell?
[ H/T The Next Web ]