Russell Dickerson Wants You to Know That It's a 'Good Day to Have a Great Day' (Exclusive)

Dickerson's new song, 'Good Day To Have A Great Day,' is now streaming.

Russell Dickerson is a big believer in the power of a positive mental attitude, and it just doesn't get much more positive than his new song, "Good Day To Have A Great Day." The intoxicatingly catchy tune beckons its listeners to soak up some "sunshine serotonin" and live your best life. had a chance to chat with Dickerson about the new song, and offered some insight into how it evolved from just being a line he's typed out in his phone. While in a writing session with acclaimed songwriter/producer Justin Tranter (Imagine Dragons, Selena Gomez), Dickerson tested out his idea to resounding praise.

"We're sitting there, and we kind of got a beat going and kind of a vibe," Dickerson recalled, "and I was like, 'I feel like this fits what we're hearing right now. I feel like this fits the music.' This may be the dumbest idea I've ever thrown out in my life, but I was like, 'Is this a thing, "It's a good day to have a great day?'" And Justin, who's like a huge pop writer, he was like, 'I freaking love it.' I was like, 'OK. Hell, yeah. Let's go.'"

Dickerson continued, "The fact that he was like, 'Oh, heck yeah. I love it,' and then we walked out of there with this song. It's just cool how that kind happens sometimes."

(Photo: Harper Smith)

When it comes to the inspiration for the new song, Dickerson confessed that he is someone who "can't sit still," which leads him to be very intentional about making every day great one. We asked what his ideal "great day" would look like and frankly, it sounds like the BEST day.

"I would wake up at 5 a.m. every day, have my quiet time, get a little Bible reading in, then just shred an amazing workout," he said. "I'm kind of doing a little carnivore diet-ish, so have a beautiful breakfast and then have a cup of coffee, a couple cups of coffee... that caffeine hits just right, where you just get that pizzazz for the day."

"If you got a checklist, crush the checklist," he continued. "If not, I'd love to go up and build a fire at our fire pit, look out over the hills of Tennessee, and probably around 2 or 3 (p.m.), crack a Miller Light."

Dickerson — who is dad to two sons with his wife, Kailey, — also opened up about how important it is for parents to make sure they're investing time into making great days with their kids. "For us, I realized... we cannot be on social media around our kids," he explained. "It feels like 10, 15 minutes go by, and you've just been scrolling on your phone, while you need to be making quality moments with your kid. They're begging for your attention."

"Currently, I have social media deleted off my phone right now. That was just more of a personal conviction," Dickerson shared, then revealing that his wife encouraged them to spend "every minute we can" with their kids before they head out "on an anniversary vacation."

"She was like, 'No matter how early they wake up, we're getting up, and we're hanging with our kids, with our boys,'" Dickerson said. "It's so hard to do, especially when they get up at 5:30 a.m., and you're like, 'Oh, my God. Go back to sleep.' But it's all right... Honestly, to reference the song, it's all about taking a good day and making it a great day and making each right decision."