Play It Loud: Becca Bowen Debuts New Single 'Heartbreaking Business' (Exclusive Song Premiere)

Bowen's new song, 'Heartbreaking Business,' hits streaming services on Friday.

Country singer Becca Bowen is debuting her brand new single this week, "Heartbreaking Business," and this is one you want to play loud. For fans wondering where they can hear the new track, it won't officially be released until Friday, May 24, but has the song's exclusive premiere. Check it out below! 

Speaking to Pop Culture about the new tune, Bowen shared, "I had been going through a very tough time finding love. I had been dealing with this guy who was just not satisfied with settling down and I started to notice him playing games with me. He didn't know what he wanted or who he wanted. Once Sam [Woods, Bowen's long-time collaborator] and I started writing this song together, I think subconsciously it became true to what I was feeling."

"We had this amazing melody and verse but we needed that hook line and all of a sudden that idea of 'I'm in the heartbreaking business too' came to me," Bowen continued. "The song took a turn to 'if you can play games, so can I.' It's such a liberating song for anyone who has dealt with a player."

Offering some deeper insight into "Heartbreaking Business," Bowen explained that it's "an upbeat country rock song with depth. It was written about how it feels to be played in a relationship but, in this case, the player is getting played. It is certainly a jam that will get stuck in your head. 'Heartbreaking Business' is liberating for those who have experienced a cheating partner."

(Photo: Kelsey Cotton)

Lastly, Bowen shared some background on her songwriting career, saying, "I've been writing music since I was 16 years old. I've experienced a lot of trials and overcome obstacles since I first started writing which has made my writing style very different. I'm much more vulnerable when I'm putting music out now. I have had the pleasure of working with my good friend and guitar player Sam Woods for the past 4 years."

"On a whim one day we started writing music together and since then my career has changed for the better. I would call Sam my songwriting soul mate," she added. "We have written a catalog of songs together but 'Heartbreaking Business' may just be my favorite."

Fans can pre-save "Heartbreaking Business" by clicking here.