Scarlett Johansson Reflects on 'Embarrassing' Past Controversies

Scarlett Johansson has taken some time to reflect on many of her past 'embarrassing' [...]

Scarlett Johansson has taken some time to reflect on many of her past "embarrassing" controversies, recently saying, "It can be embarrassing to have the experience of, 'Wow, I was really off mark there.'" In an interview with the Gentlewoman, Johansson opened up and spoke candidly about how she looks back on moments such as defending working with accused sexual predator Woody Allen, and starring in the live-action adaptation of Ghost in the Shell wherein she played a role that features a Japanese character. "Everyone has a hard time admitting when they're wrong about stuff," the 36-year-old said. "And for all of that to come out publicly, it can be embarrassing."

When it comes to her stances on certain issues, Johansson said, "I'm going to have opinions about things, because that's just who I am." She elaborated on her new perspective, saying, "To have the experience of, 'Wow, I was really off mark there.' Or I wasn't looking at the big picture, or I was inconsiderate. I'm also a person." She added. "I can be reactive. I can be impatient. That doesn't mix that great with self-awareness." However, the Black Widow actress also said that she feels it is "unfair" for actors to be expected to "have a public role in society" just because of their visibility in culture.

"Some people want to, but the idea that you're obligated to because you're in the public eye is unfair," Johansson said. "You didn't choose to be a politician, you're an actor. Your job is to reflect our experience to ourselves; your job is to be a mirror for an audience, to be able to have an empathetic experience through art. That is what your job is."

Johansson continued, "Whatever you say, whether it's politically correct or not, any statement you make, or how you live your life, people are obviously going to take issue with it. We judge each other all the time." The actress also expressed that she believes the rise of social media has created a bigger problem with judgment and gut-reaction behavior.

"Your sense of reality is completely skewed," Johansson said. "It's not normal to be that exposed. You can be exposed whenever you're in the public eye, but to then be on the receiving end, like a raw nerve, of all this stuff back? It's too much" She added, "It's incredible how if you talk to people — not type to them — that's how you grow. Listening to people, learning their experience, sharing that, seeing it with your eyeballs."