OJ Simpson's Reported Cause of Death Took 'Heavy Toll'

The disgraced football star's life was not happy in his final days.

O.J. Simpson's death earlier in the week closed the door on the former NFL star's infamous second life after his murder trial. He leaves behind a few open issues, like the millions he still owes the families of his alleged murder victims, but in the end, Simpson just ran out of time.

According to TMZ, the prostate cancer he hinted about a few years back had reportedly taken a harsh toll on the NFL great. Not only was he under hospice care in his final days, the 76-year-old accused murderer could no longer get himself out of bed.

The outlet notes that he managed to keep his condition semi-quiet, but he'd been in and out of the hospital over the past six months. This includes bouts of pneumonia and his eventual decision to enter hospice care.

Simpson made his final decision reportedly two weeks before his passing, asking to be sent home where he was comfortable and with a hospice care plan. In this period, Simpson was reportedly losing and regaining consciousness, slept quite a bit, and couldn't leave his master bedroom without the assistance of his medical team.

A family reportedly checked on Simpson when he was declared dead, noting he was no longer responsive. Once the nurse was called and assessed the scene, she declared him dead and contacted a funeral home. The 76-year-old leaves a massive $100 million in debt stemming from his civil trial loss after his murder trial in 1994 and 1995.