Matt Damon and Jimmy Kimmel Wear Hilarious Matching T-Shirts at Game 5 of World Series

Matt Damon and Jimmy Kimmel have had a long-standing rivalry for years, and the two were at it [...]

Matt Damon and Jimmy Kimmel have had a long-standing rivalry for years, and the two were at it again on Sunday for game five of the World Series between the Boston Red Sox and the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Damon, Kimmel and Ben Affleck all attended the game, which was held at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, and Damon and Kimmel made both their team allegiance and personal rivalry known with the t-shirts they chose to wear.

Each shirt bore the phrase "I'm with stupid," with arrows pointing to the other as the pair stood side-by-side in the stands, Damon's shirt Sox red and Kimmel's Dodger blue.

(Photo: Getty / Jerritt Clark)

Affleck was sans comedic shirt, simply opting for a gray t-shirt under a hoodie and leather jacket, along with a Red Sox hat.

Both Damon and Affleck hail from Boston and are massive Sox fans, and were photographed celebrating jubilantly while Kimmel looked slightly forlorn as the Sox bested the Dodgers to win the series for the fourth time in 15 years.

Damon and Kimmel's faux rivalry has gone on since 2006, when Kimmel would consistently joke on his late-night talk show that he had run out of time for Damon to appear, despite the fact that Damon wasn't even scheduled to be there.

Speaking to NPR in 2013, Kimmel explained how the original bit began.

"We had a bad show…The guests were bad, and I was feeling pretty bad about myself at the end of the program," he said. "And I decided to say, for the amusement of one of our producers who was standing next to me…'I want to apologize to Matt Damon. We ran out of time'…And he got a kick out of it, the producer, so I just started doing it every night to amuse him."

As for why he chose Damon as his unfortunate guest, Kimmel explained that the reason was simple.

"Matt Damon was just the first name that popped into my head," he said. "I was trying to think of an A-list star, and somebody we absolutely would not bump if he was on the show…The legs on this bit are unbelievable to me. I mean, people laugh every time I say it…Repeating the same joke every single night, you'd think eventually people would get tired of it, but they don't."

Over the years, the pair's "feud" has evolved into various pranks, viral YouTube videos, awards show sketches and more, and Sunday night's shirts seem to indicate that Damon and Kimmel's rivalry is alive and thriving.

Photo Credit: Getty / Jerritt Clark