Holly Madison Reveals NSFW Details About Having Sex With Ex Hugh Hefner

Holly Madison used to be one of Hugh Hefner's girlfriends and she recently revealed some very NSFW [...]

Holly Madison used to be one of Hugh Hefner's girlfriends and she recently revealed some very NSFW details about her sex life with the late Playboy founder, who died in 2017. Madison was one of the original Girls Next Door with Bridget Marquardt and Kendra Wilkinson and had previously shared some insight into her life in the Playboy mansion with Hefner in her tell-all book, Down the Rabbit Hole: Curious Adventures and Cautionary Tales of a Former Playboy Bunny. Now, she's opened up even more on a new episode of the Call Her Daddy podcast.

Speaking about her early days at the Mansion, Madison shared that she witnessed, and partook in, quite a bit of drug use, which would often result in group sex. "Everybody would go upstairs and basically everybody would have sex and I didn't know what to expect," she said, speaking about her first sexual encounter with Hefner. "I think I had the feeling that this is my first night out; maybe I won't be expected to do anything my first night. But then when I got up there, I was so wasted and thrown into it that once it was done, there was something about the experience that made me feel very out of control."

Madison went on to share how the experience was very damaging for her mental and emotional health. "For me, I'm already in this desperate situation and I'd already thought living at the mansion would be a solution to my problems," she explained. "I think I felt if I were just to leave that night and never come back, I would have felt really used and really chewed up and spit out."

Madison also shared some other details about the sex happening in the Playboy mansion, saying that women were not expected to have sex with Hefner every night and that they would wear underwear to indicate when they were on their period. She also stated that he did not share women with his friends. One thing she did clarify, however, was that anyone who wanted to move into the mansion would have to sleep with Hefner. I'm not trying to slut-shame or anything," she said, "but nobody ever got asked to move in unless they slept with him."

Madison eventually revealed that she did have one-on-one sex with Hefner after becoming his main girlfriend and moving into his bedroom but explained that it was not focused or fulfilling sex for her. Speaking about how far she has come since the first few seasons of The Girls Next Door, Madison added, "Now, I'm more myself and more open. I couldn't have said what I was really saying or feeling; it would have been cut. I was super guarded and super nervous about putting my private life out into the public."