Gilbert Gottfried Mourned by 'Hollywood Squares' Host Tom Bergeron

Comedy legend Gilbert Gottfried died on Tuesday, and the sad news has brought out many mourners, including Tom Bergeron, the former host of Hollywood Squares. In an Instagram post, Bergeron shared a photo from an episode of the show in which Gottfried appeared. "Whenever I'm asked who was my favorite guest during my years hosting Hollywood Squares," Bergeron wrote in the post caption, "the answer is always the same; [Gilbert Gottfried].

Bergeron went on to add, "Click the link near my profile pic for an example of why." The link is for a YouTube video of the episode from which the screenshots were taken. In it, Gottfried was the final square in the round, and both contestants were vying to claim his space. Unfortunately, neither of them landed him on their first tries, leaving him to hilariously taunt them by yelling "You fool!"

Bergeron's post has received a huge response from mourning fans who are sad to hear of Gottfried's death. "Thanks for sharing that clip – laughed out loud, which is what Gilbert would've wanted," one person wrote. "Sad news for sure! I loved the video! Really funny! I miss Hollywood Squares!" someone else exclaimed.

Gottfried's family first shared the sad news of his death in a statement posted on the comedian's social media accounts. "We are heartbroken to announce the passing of our beloved Gilbert Gottfried after a long illness," read the message from his family. "In addition to being the most iconic voice in comedy, Gilbert was a wonderful husband, brother, friend and father to his two young children. Although today is a sad day for all of us, please keep laughing as loud as possible in Gilbert's honor."

In addition to Bergeron, many other celebrities have issued memorials for Gottfried, such as Seinfeld star Jason Alexander. "Gilbert Gottfried made me laugh at times when laughter did not come easily," the actor wrote in a tweet. "What a gift. I did not know him well but I loved what he shared with me. My best wishes and sympathy to his family."

Richard Lewis added, "Gilbert, I don't want to believe this. I loved him. I'm heartbroken for his beautiful family. Say it ain't so. For almost 40 years his spectacular comedy blew me away. You can't be funnier. My God, all who experienced him are crushed. Say it ain't so." Gottfried was 67 at the time of his death.