Lawyer of Cristiano Ronaldo's Rape Accuser Claims Second Victim Contacted Him

The lawyer of Cristiano Ronaldo's rape accuser now claims that a second victim has contacted him [...]

The lawyer of Cristiano Ronaldo's rape accuser now claims that a second victim has contacted him about an alleged encounter with the soccer star.

According to Yahoo! Sports, Leslie Stovall — the attorney for Kathryn Mayorga, who was the first woman to come forward — has revealed that he plans to forward the unnamed second accuser's story over to the Las Vegas police department.

"I have had a call from a woman who claims to have had a similar experience," Stovall told reporters.

Regarding Mayorga's claims, she has alleged that Ronaldo sexually assaulted and raped her in a Las Vegas hotel suite back in 2009. She stated that she went to police at the time, but did not feel like her report was taken seriously.

Mayorga subsequently agreed to sign a non-disclosure agreement in exchange for a $375,000 settlement. She is now suing to have that non-disclosure overturned.

Following the news of the lawsuit, Ronaldo released a statement denying the accusations against him.

"I firmly deny the accusations being issued against me," he said in his statement. "Rape is an abominable crime that goes against everything that I am and believe in. Keen as I may be to clear my name, I refuse to feed the media spectacle created by people seeking to promote themselves at my expense."

"My clear conscious [sic] will thereby allow me to await with tranquillity the results of any and all investigations," he later added.

Ronaldo's current soccer club, Juventus, has addressed the allegations against him as well, saying that he has the organizations full support.

"Cristiano Ronaldo has shown in recent months his great professionalism and dedication, which is appreciated by everyone at Juventus," the club wrote in a post on Twitter.

"The events allegedly dating back to almost 10 years ago do not change this opinion, which is shared by anyone who has come into contact with this great champion," the club added.

At this time, Ronaldo is scheduled to miss at least two upcoming games in the wake of the accusations against him.