Janice Dickinson Reveals Why She Laughed at Bill Cosby's Sentencing

Supermodel Janice Dickinson has now revealed why she laughed out loud at Bill Cosby's sentencing [...]

Supermodel Janice Dickinson has now revealed why she laughed out loud at Bill Cosby's sentencing hearing.

In an op-ed for Variety, Dickinson wrote that her behavior was in direct correlation with behavior she felt he exhibited during his trial and sentencing hearing.

"I saw Cosby laughing at trial while I testified, and then again at his sentencing. At the recess just before the announcement of the long-awaited sentence, I saw him look at me. I let out an explosive emotional laugh," she explained. "While other victims wept, I laughed and said, 'Who's laughing now?'"

"After the final sentence and after the defense tried several other moves, it was over, and I was relieved that Judge Steven O'Neil had fairly considered the evidence and made the right decision to put him away in state prison, where he cannot ruin any other woman's life," she continued. "The justice system had done its job."

"That's a relief, and I felt better, but it does not undo the damage," Dickinson added. "Just then, Cosby's team called me a liar (again), and the creepy feelings of being a victim started back, like the tide coming in."

The former America's Next Top Model judge also spoke about why she believes victims of assault are often afraid to come forward with their allegations.

"Why do we not report immediately? Men have no idea of the toll an assault takes. I, we, get afraid, feel so emotional that it can be hard to think, even though the attack is etched in our brain," Dickinson stated.

"Take a look at the Senate hearings [of Brett Kanavaugh]," she then said. "Years ago and surprisingly, even now, victims are intimidated. Intimidated because we know we will be shamed and called a liar or a slut, that we will get hate mail and threats, that telling a new boyfriend will probably end that relationship, that our children and family will look at us differently, and maybe they won't love us, and that we will be labeled."

Finally, she opened about one way that she feels people can be proactive about preventive sexual assaults and rape going forward.

"I especially ask that all mothers and sisters have a 'talk' with their sons about boundaries with females, telling them it is no excuse to be rich, drunk or high," she suggested. "Men seem not to know when they must stop, and many are too chicken to ask for consent. So they assault. Don't do it, don't say it and don't even think it. They need to be told how to ask a woman."

Cosby is currently serving a three to 10 year sentence in the Montgomery County Correctional Facility after being convicted of sexual assault.