Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Alleged 2016 Airplane Incident Detailed in FBI Report

The alleged altercation between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt on an airplane in 2016 is now detailed in an incident report from the FBI. According to NBC News, a "Jane Doe" plaintiff has filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Federal Bureau of Investigation, seeking to have the investigation documents released. The lawsuit detailed that the plaintiff was traveling with "her then-husband, and their children, who were all minors at the time, were traveling via private aircraft." 

At some point, the "husband allegedly physically and verbally assaulted plaintiff and the children, who have 'experienced lasting physical and mental trauma as a result of the assault.'" Per the report, Jolie alleges that Pitt "grabbed her by the head" and shook her while also hitting "the ceiling of the plane approximately four times." She also noted the "tension" between the two of them, and stated that she felt "like a hostage" while they were aboard the jet.

Jolie added that she felt Pitt was "becoming a monster" who allegedly "ranted" in front of their kids and "mimicked the behavior of a monster and screamed at them." The actress claims the children were "shell-shocked" during the flight. She also alleges that he refused to let her and the children exit the plane after it landed, claiming he said, "You're not f—ing going anywhere. You're not getting off this f—ing plane. F— you all. I'm f—ing leaving you." 

As previously reported by Puck, Federal agents constructed a report regarding Jolie's claims, but ultimately decided to not take the actor into custody. The federal agents took their report to a meeting with an assistant U.S. attorney, for discussion on potential charges. Ultimately, it was decided that the feds would not pursue criminal charges against Pitt. Now, Jolie is reportedly demanding to know exactly why charges were not brought against her ex-husband, and she's filed an official lawsuit to get the information. Notably, Pitt and his representatives have denied any wrongdoing.

Pitt and Jolie's split has seemed to continually sour over the years, with Pitt even accusing his ex of wanting to "inflict harm" on him financially. According to ET, in legal documents from earlier this year, the Ocean's Eleven star and his legal team address Chateau Miraval Winery, which the couple owned together. Château Miraval is the French estate and vineyard – which is owned by a company called Quimicum – where Pitt and Jole were married, back in August 2014. Jolie has since sold her share of their winery to Yuri Shefler, a Russian oligarch. Pitt and his attorneys are accusing the actress of doing this to jeopardize Pitt's involvement with the company.

Essentially, Pitt's issue seems to boil down to what he says was a "mutual understanding" between himself and Jolie when they split, that they would not sell their individual stakes in the winery without consent from the other. In 2021, Jolie proposed selling her half to a then-unnamed buyer. Pitt agreed to consider the sale but stated that the pair's "mutual understanding" gave him the right to refuse to agree to the sale. However, Jolie went through with the sale, prompting Pitt to file a lawsuit.