Two suspects have been arrested in connection to the death of actress Sapna Singh’s 14-year-old son, Sagar Gangwar. The teen’s body was discovered over the weekend after he was reported missing on Dec. 7, with a postmortem finding “indications of poisoning or drug overdose,” police said as they confirmed the arrest of two of Sagar’s friends.
The case began on Sunday, Dec. 8 when a body was discovered in a field near Adalakhia village in Bareilly, according to the Hindustan Times. The body was initially unidentified, but later confirmed to be that of Sagar after it was discovered that his uncle, whom he’d been staying with, filed a missing person complaint on Dec. 7.
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“The postmortem report could not confirm the exact cause of death but indications of poisoning or drug overdose have been found,” Circle Officer (Faridpur) Ashutosh Shivam said. “Viscera samples have been preserved for further examination.”
Following the identification of Sagar’s body, CCTV footage showed two suspects – Sagar’s adult friends Anuj and Sunny – dragging Sagar’s body near the location where he was discovered. The pair were arrested and booked on murder charges on Wednesday, Dec. 11 after police said they “confessed during questioning that they had consumed drugs and alcohol with Sagar.” Bhuta Police Station Inspector Sunil Kumar said the “overdose caused Sagar to collapse,” and in a state of panic, Anuj and Sunny “dragged his body to a field and left him there.”
While Sagar’s death is currently being attributed to a possible poisoning or drug overdose, his mother, known for her roles in shows like Crime Patrol and Mati Ki Banno, revealed gruesome details of her son’s murder in a heartbreaking post. According to the actress, per Pinkvilla, Anuj and Sunny allegedly lured Sagar out of the house by inviting him to play cricket. She said her son’s legs were broken, his throat slit, and that he was shot. Police have not confirmed those details at this time.
“My son was a small child; he did not take drugs,” Singh told the media as she traveled to Bareilly Tuesday to demand justice, India Today reported. “He was brutally murdered. I demand that the killer be encountered just as my son was mercilessly killed.”
Sagar’s murder sparked outrage in his village, where residents blocked roads as they joined Singh in her calls for justice. Police have since assured residents that an investigation has been opened and will be thorough, per The Economic Times. They said a First Information Report (FIR) for murder has been registered at Bhuta Police Station.