Hailie Jade Mathers, the daughter of rapper Eminem, has picked up a massive following on Instagram, and it is not hard to see why.
At just 23 years old, Mathers has built up a considerable career as a “social media influencer.” The young model runs her Instagram page with precision, keeping abreast of the latest trends while also staying unique and engaging.
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Mathers has a built-in audience, of course, as the subject of so many of her father’s songs. Fans feel like they know Mathers in a way, having listened to her grow up through her dad’s lyrics.
Still, it is clear that Mathers is not courting the hip hop community through her posts. She shows fans what she likes, how she spends her time and where she goes on her travels. If this includes any sponsorships or product placement deals, Mathers keeps them low key in most her posts.
As fascinated as fans are by her posts, Mathers’ life is not what you might call relatable. The young woman has the fortune of a massive recording artist behind her, and she is always hopping on planes to visit idyllic locales that seem completely inaccessible to the average person. She is also clad in pristine clothing and is often eating or drinking something exotic or colorful.
Mathers is well on her way to becoming one of the brightest new faces to watch for in the next generation of celebrities. Here is a look at the posts that keep fans coming back to her Instagram feed.

If there is one thing that is clear from Mathers’ Instagram it is that she lovers her coffee. The 23-year-old is holding a cafe cup in many, if not most of her posts, and she is often seated in photogenic coffee shop like this one.
“A before I had to go to the dentist mood,” Mathers wrote.

Mathers is one of many online figures keeping alive the dream of blending comfort and fashion. In posts like these, she makes it look effortless to look good and active while staying perfectly at ease.
Life’s a Beach
Mathers takes fans along with her on extravagant, enviable trips, and many live vicariously through her. Last month, she spent some time in Hawaii, helping her followers to escape the winter rut back home. Mathers kept things relatable however, quoting a beloved TLC song and revealing that she had been scared half to death by what she thought were sharks.
Dog Mom
Another thing that keeps Mathers’ followers engaged is her dedication to her pets. Mathers is a passionate dog mom, and she frequently posts adorable or hilarious shots of her pups online.

Mathers does not just fly around drinking coffee in different chairs, however. She takes fans along on active adventures, though she is honest when they become too much for her.
“Are u a skier or snowboarder? I fell on the tow ropes after this picture and ended up going back inside,” she told them frankly back in January.
Unique Getaways

Mathers does not just visit beaches and ski slopes either. Many fans are undoubtedly drawn in by her rare insights into the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Mathers gave fans a glimpse of this picturesque resort in Australia, and they were drooling over this indoor pool.

Obviously, the endless parade of fresh outfits comes from somewhere, and Mathers is not shy about her penchant for shopping. In many posts she reveals her trips out to high end shops where she picks up fresh outfits to keep her “shopaholism” satisfied.

Finally, Mathers is generally the star of her own show on Instagram, but she does pose with her friends from time to time. The 23-year-old keeps things mysterious by rarely tagging her companions, and letting fans wonder where she is and what she is up to.