Why Rebel Wilson Hasn't Met Fiancée Ramona Agruma's Parents Yet

Wilson said she would soon meet Agruma's parents on a trip to Europe.

Rebel Wilson has opened up about a significant milestone she has yet to experience in her relationship with fiancée Ramona Agruma. Even though they are engaged and share a daughter together, the Australian actress revealed that she has never met her future in-laws. In an interview with Today.com, the 44-year-old addressed the adversity she experiences as a member of the LGBTQ+ community within her family dynamic. 

Wilson and Agruma, who met in 2022, are the proud parents of 19-month-old daughter Royce. However, the actress shared that she will meet Agruma's parents for the first time during an upcoming trip to Europe with their family of three.

"I just think some people need a bit more time -- and some people won't ever come around to it, and that's fine, and that's their decision," Wilson said, acknowledging the varying levels of acceptance within different families. "There are still parts of the world that aren't as accepting."

Wilson's path to openly embracing her relationship with Agruma was not without its challenges. In 2022, the couple faced the threat of being outed by an Australian publication, prompting them to go public with their romance before they were fully ready. "Some people in her family didn't quite know and found out via the press," Wilson revealed.

Despite the early struggles, the Pitch Perfect star remains optimistic about connecting with Agruma's family, particularly with the help of their daughter Royce. "Roycie is the real icebreaker -- they've been FaceTiming with her," she shared, acknowledging the unifying power of their little one.

Agruma's family hails from Latvia, a country Wilson acknowledges may not be as LGBTQ+-friendly as others. However, she expressed her excitement about meeting them, noting, "I know they are very smart. Ramona's mother is a doctor."

While Wilson has encountered difficulties within her own family, she counts herself fortunate for the unwavering support she has received. "I feel really lucky because, from my side, I've had literally not one negative reaction," she said, highlighting the importance of having a solid support system.

The couple's journey to parenthood has been a joyous one. In November 2022, Wilson and Agruma welcomed their daughter Royce through the assistance of a surrogate. Royce's arrival has not only brought immense happiness to their lives but also served as a bridge to connect with Agruma's family, as Wilson noted in their FaceTime interactions.