Celebrity Couples

‘Counting On’ Star Jessa Duggar Shares Her Advice for a Great Marriage

Jessa (Duggar) Seewald is sharing her secrets to a good marriage.The Counting On star opened up […]

Jessa (Duggar) Seewald is sharing her secrets to a good marriage.

The Counting On star opened up about her relationship with husband Ben Seewald in the newest edition of Us Weekly prior to the season premiere of the TLC series Monday, July 30. The two first wed almost four years ago, and now have two young sons, 2 and 17 months, to care for, but have managed to keep the spark alive.

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“Never stop showing gratitude to your spouse for all the things they do to help out,” Jessa said of her advice for newlyweds. “It doesn’t matter how big or small. Sometimes couples come to expect things of each other and they stop noticing and appreciating things the other one does to help out with the kids or keep the household running smoothly.”

The TLC reality star added, “If you spouse volunteered to change nastiest, stinky diaper or you saw them jump up quickly to clean up a spill, make it a habit to express gratefulness and say, ‘Thank you for doing that.’”

The couple may be busy parenting their two little ones, but they also make sure to have a standing date night.

“Having alone time when you have two young kids doesn’t just happen,” Jessa told the publication. “We have to be purposeful.”

Sometimes that might mean eating takeout at home together, but as long as the time spent is purposeful, it still counts.

“It’s great because our conversations can go long and you’re not on a time-clock with a babysitter or wondering if the baby’s bedtime routine went smoothly,” she revealed. “It’s a good fit for us at this time in our lives.”

When the couple does leave the house for some time together, they often frequent a local drive-through restaurant for frozen custard or the grocery store for two pints of ice cream.

“Yes, it’s like a thousand calories, and yes, we eat the whole thing in one sitting!” Jessa joked.

Ben often pick out “unique” spots if they’re going somewhere that requires a reservation. “He’s the kind of guy who will branch out and order something new every time, even if he has no idea what it is,” she said. “I’m a creature of habit, so I usually stick with things I’m more familiar with.”

But there’s definitely time for being alone too.

“Ben is great with the boys and is so sweet to insist on me taking a break from mom duties so I can have quiet time to read, or meet up with a girlfriend or grab a coffee,” she added. “I do love these moments of down time and refreshment, but it usually isn’t long before I feel myself missing my babies and longing to be back with them.”

Counting On returns to TLC for a new season Monday, July 30 at 8 p.m. ET.

Photo Credit: TLC