Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez Living Apart Amid Divorce Rumors

Paparazzi have followed Affleck to a rental home where he has been staying overnight for at least a few days now.

Rumors about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez's marriage ran wild this week, but on Thursday photographers seemed to confirm that they are living in separate houses, at least. Reports that Affleck and Lopez are heading for divorce or that they are in marriage counseling remain unconfirmed, but photos obtained by TMZ show Affleck leaving rental house in L.A. far from the Beverly Hills home he shared with Lopez. It appears the two are staying apart right now.

Photographers spotted Affleck leaving a house in L.A.'s Brentwood neighborhood on Thursday morning, with every indication that he is staying there. Some have reportedly seen him coming and going from the location, not his Beverly Hills mansion. On Thursday night, Affleck met up with Lopez and they attended his son's school play together. Afterward, paparazzi followed as Affleck drove Lopez and her daughter to the Beverly Hills home, dropped them off, and then continued on to the Brentwood home by himself.

It's unclear how long Affleck has been living apart from his wife, but observers believe it was at least a few nights prior to Thursday. All of this follows a report by InTouch Weekly on Wednesay, which said that Affleck had moved out of the house as he and Lopez were Headed for divorce." A source close to the couple said that the biggest issue they faced was their different philosophies on social media, publicity and personal privacy.

So far, Affleck and Lopez have not commented publicly on these reports or others like them. Fans observed that Affleck missed the 2024 Met Gala, though he was reportedly working on The Accountant 2 at the time. On Friday, photographers saw Affleck out again, this time with no wedding ring. Other than that, all the reports circulating are based on quotes from anonymous sources.

One such source told InTouch that Affleck and Lopez have been in marriage counseling, but that they're not hanging all their hopes on it. They said: "Ben believes in therapy, to a point, and is willing to be a good sport about participating with an open mind, even though he hates the whole humiliating process. He's never going to gauge the success of this marriage by what happens in the therapist's office."

This insider added that the couple can be too confrontational at times, and that "nobody believes that's sustainable in the long term and especially as they continue to brainstorm ideas to make more films together." So far, Affleck and Lopez have not commented on any of these reports, nor have they filed any legal paperwork towards divorce or separation in the public record.