President Trump Blasts Sweden for A$AP Rocky Charges, Social Media Perplexed Over His Priorities

President Donald Trump's continued support for A$AP Rocky, who's currently incarcerated in Sweden [...]

President Donald Trump's continued support for A$AP Rocky, who's currently incarcerated in Sweden following a fight, has proven shocking to many in recent weeks and he's showing no signs of stopping. Some believe it's all an act, however.

Rep. Carson told TMZ he's been working to have A$AP Rocky freed from prison in Sweden, and claimed Trump had no involvement in that effort. He called his recent social media salvo a show to attract the support of the black community, and said he didn't feel Sweden would be moved by Trump's social media temper tantrums.

"I love Kim Kardashian and Kanye [West] and I appreciate what they're doing on prison reform. On Criminal justice reform. I just think the president is using a word called triangulation. He's making oath to the African American community talking about this grave injustice but at the same time he thinks it's ok to diss The Squad," Rep. Carson told TMZ.

Social media users were equally confused by Trump's focus on A$AP Rocky.

He continued, "I don't think the Swedish government cares about what he has to say."

Carson added that while Trump may not actually care what happens to A$AP Rocky in Swedish prison, he's dedicated to seeing him freed.

"I'm disappointed right now. I'm upset. We're gonna stay tuned and see how the trial goes," Rep. Carson said.

He continued, "They reaffirmed that Sweden is a country that'd dedicated to the rule of law. They don't have a bail system."

Trump, 73, launched into a Twitter tirade against Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven on Thursday, claiming he "let our African American Community down." The president maintained A$AP Rocky's innocence, alleging that he was "followed and harassed" in the violent incident that led to his imprisonment.

The former reality star went on to demand the New York native's "FREEDOM," touting the many ways the United States supports Sweden. Trump alleged that the country had its own problems to focus on.

U.S. politicians aren't the only ones that think Trump is full of it. He was blasted by former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt, according to The Hill. In a set of tweets, Bildt said that in Sweden the rule of law applies to everyone, even celebrities.

"Political interference in the process is distinctly off limits! Clear?" He tweeted.

Bildt went on to say that if Trump "tries to obstruct justice in his own country he will be in deep trouble with the very principles of the US constitution."

So far, Trump hasn't responded.