BBC Reporter Slapped After Accidentally Grabbing Woman's Breast On Camera

TV news reporters are having a rough time lately, but there's something about this blooper of a [...]

TV news reporters are having a rough time lately, but there's something about this blooper of a BBC reporter "accidentally" touching a woman's breast on a live broadcast that makes you wonder if we should sympathize with him.

BBC reporter Ben Brown was interviewing Norman Smith, an assistant political editor, when a random woman walked right up into the camera shot and intruded on their conversation.

Now, Brown could have politely told the woman that this was a live broadcast and asked her to move along, but he chose not to do that, for some reason known only to him.

Instead, being the distinguished gentleman that he is, Brown placed his hand on her chest, cupping her right breast, and physically moved her out of the way.

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As awkward as that is, it's even more awkward when you realize that as soon as she comes into view, Brown pauses, surveys the situation, and then still, seemingly deliberately, puts his hand on her chest and pushes her away.

The woman responds accordingly by slapping him and going on about her day.

Brown and Smith never once break the focus of their conversation. Smith Barely glances at the woman, which makes him seem very professional. Well, that and not unnecessarily placing his hands on her body without her permission.

One could argue that she should not have intruded on their live TV broadcast, which they were holding in the privacy of a busy public sidewalk, but even still, there's no excuse for Brown touching her the way he did.

While he really didn't need to touch her at all, if he felt so strongly about protecting the sanctity of his journalism he could have just as easily placed his hand on her shoulder and moved her.

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No word on if Brown will face any repercussions for the incident, but at the very least hopefully he realizes there were other ways he could've handled the situation.

[H/T: BroBible]
