Police Find Escaped Mob Boss Stowed Away In Impossible Hiding Place

It was the ultimate game of hide and seek, but this Calabrian mafia boss was ultimately [...]

It was the ultimate game of hide and seek, but this Calabrian mafia boss was ultimately found.

Italian police arrested 'Ndrangheta boss Antonio Pelle after discovering his secret hiding place in his home in Benestare. Belle was stowed away in hidden niche built behind a wardrobe. As police scoured his home, Belle remained silent, lying in wait. But one keen-eyed officer found him out.

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(Photo: Telegraph)

"It wasn't easy," said Commander Francesco Rattà. "Fifty of us searched the two-story villa where Pelle had always lived (prior to becoming a fugitive), but it took a very attentive eye to discover his hiding place."

Pelle seems to be a master at slipping away. He was arrested in 2008 and serving a 20-year sentence for drug and arms smuggling, but escaped after being taken to the hospital for urgent medical treatment. But it turned out it wasn't urgent at all. It was all part of Pelle's plan, who had been taking massive amounts of weight-loss pills to simulate anorexia.

The 'Ndrangheta has become Italy's most powerful and wealthy mafia organization in Italy, but with Pelle back behind bars, they'll now suffer a serious loss.

[ H/T Telegraph ]