Triple H Caught Trying to Sneak a Photo of Ronda Rousey After Royal Rumble

Former UFC Champion Ronda Rousey shocked the wrestling world when she arrived at the Royal Rumble [...]

Former UFC Champion Ronda Rousey shocked the wrestling world when she arrived at the Royal Rumble on Sunday from Philadelphia.

Once the show went off the air and the crowd dispersed, Rousey did a quick media scrum at the top of the entrance ramp. Somebody who was in the stands could see the scrum, and noticed a familiar face peek out from behind the entrance curtain.

That outstretched hand holding the phone belonged to none other than Triple H, who posed with Rousey and his wife Stephanie McMahon after the show.

ESPN reported moments after Rousey arrived at the Rumble that she has signed a full-time contract with the company.

"This is my life now. First priority on my timeline for the next several years. This is not a smash-and-grab; this is not a publicity stunt," Rousey said in an exclusive interview with reporter Ramona Shelburne. "When I first met with Triple H, I told him, 'There are other things I can do with my time that'll make way more money, but I won't enjoy nearly as much.'"

Triple H has been connected to the rumors of Rousey making the jump from mixed martial arts to professional wrestling for years. He was famously involved in the segment at WrestleMania 31 where Rousey joined Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in the ring to take out Hunter and McMahon. As the rumors of Rousey joining heated up, the former WWE Champion was seen having dinner with Rousey in what many speculated being where they made the official offer to her.

The two did their level best to try and keep the deal a secret. Rousey, who has been busy filming the Mark Wahlberg action film Mile 22 in Colombia, posted on Saturday that she was still in South American nation to make fans believe she wouldn't be anywhere near Philadelphia for Sunday night. Triple H also tried to deny that the two were able to come to terms on a deal.

"I wish I had something more to tell you than that but we are just kind of talking and feeling where it goes and she is making movies and doing other things. But it's exciting and there is a lot of interest on both sides so let's see where it goes," Hunter said on a podcast back on Jan. 14.

Photo: Twitter/@BossMoz