Samoa Joe Gives Update on His Injury, Calls out Roman Reigns

Despite being out of WWE action, Samoa Joe is keeping a close eye on the product, specifically [...]

Despite being out of WWE action, Samoa Joe is keeping a close eye on the product, specifically Roman Reigns.

In an interview with Sky Sports, Joe detailed his recovery process and revealed that he's undergone not one, but two surgeries this September.

"The recovery's going really well but I've only been able to perform at about 80 percent capacity since joining NXT," said Joe.

Joe's admission to working a little banged up comes as a surprise, but now that he's out he decided to fix multiple issues in the name of efficiency.

"Back then I had no chance to take time off because of the WWE opportunity before I was just treating the knee problem with ice and elevation at home. Now it's the best I've ever felt, it really is," said Joe. "I also needed nasal surgery as I've broken my nose about eight times in my career so I was only breathing at around 60 percent. You have no idea how invigorating it is now," he claimed.

However, Joe quickly shifted tones and went out of his way to single out Roman Reigns.

"Roman Reigns is very good, he's at the peak of his career," Joe said. "The fans have a bone to pick with him but that doesn't concern me. He's WWE's guy, he's beaten Cena but he's never beaten me. Next time I'll beat his ass."

Joe's said to be coming back in the next couple weeks. This makes for interesting speculation as word came out yesterday that WWE isn't necessarily bringing back the Shield to defeat the Miztourage. Instead, WWE could be building a super team of enemies for the Shield. This past RAW saw Braun Strowman wreck Dean Ambrose and next week, Seth Rollins is slated for a similar beating. Could WWE be building towards a Shield vs. Strowman feud?

It's not unlikely and given Joe's recent quotes he could find himself in the mix as well.

Since being folded into WWE's upper-mid card after WrestleMania, Joe has arguably been RAW's MVP. After a feud with Brock Lesnar that surpassed the highest of expectations, Samoa Joe became a player in WWE. So much so, it was said that Paul Heyman was lobbying for Joe to leave SummerSlam as the Universal Champion.

As previously mentioned WWE has yet to make a statement on the matter. But as of now don't expect to see Joe until October comes around. Here's to a quick recovery.