Rusev and Lana Get Weird in Bulgaria

Behind the curtain romance in WWE is no rare occurrence. In terms of WWE couples, most fans can [...]

Behind the curtain romance in WWE is no rare occurrence. In terms of WWE couples, most fans can reference John Cena and Nikki Bella or Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella. However, there are plenty more relationships that stay low-key, like Big Cass and Carmella or Renee Young and Dean Ambrose. Then there are couples like Rusev and Lana who milk cows in Bulgaria while wearing swimwear.

As soon as their SmackDown Live responsibilities ended, Rusev sent out the following tweet:

Thankfully, Rusev and Lana have been diligent in their effort to document their travels to Rusev's homeland. Enjoy:

Has Lana begun her Rocky IV training? With a grueling regiment like this, she may have no choice but to return to in-ring action. We're not sure why Lana was put to rigorous task, but why ruin this footage with questions. Just drink it in, mannnn.

Rusev's social media post have been quickly become heavily scruitinized as of late. Last week a story broke that Rusev and Lana asked WWE for their release from WWE. However, it proved to be resoundingly false after sources were checked and Lana herself shot down the rumors.

But yesterday, the "story" of Rusev's WWE exit added a layer. Rusev took to Twitter have a little fun with the media and fans, sending out the following message:

"I want to thank @WWE front office TR and everybody involved. THANK YOU"

Now in a vacuum, this looks like a retirement postcard. However knowing Rusev, the man is trolling the wrestling community. The best lies are sprinkled with truth and a disgruntled Rusev was not hard to imagine. Since returning from injury, Rusev has endured some unfortunate booking - losing a poorly received Flag Match at Battleground and a 9-second loss to Randy Orton at SummerSlam.

However, Rusev has been at this all week. The fake story alleged that Rusev had to be calmed down by SmackDown's head of Creative, Road Dogg after an altercation with WWE officially backstage. Here's Rusev poking fun at the tall tale:

Here's Rusev wishing Vince McMahon a happy birthday on Thursday. Something that may not have been so hyperbolic if there was a fabricated narrative of him being upset in WWE:

All in all, this is just good fodder. While Rusev may, in fact, be disgruntled, the idea of taking action to leave WWE is clearly preposterous to the Bulgarian Brute. So don't mind him as he has a little fun.