John Morrison was supposed to be the Shawn Michaels of the Miz and Morrison tandem. It seemed obvious to everyone that the handsome, athletic up and comer would end up being the big star while Miz, a former reality TV star would fade into Marty Jannetty territory. Yet, a decade later, Miz is one of the WWE‘s biggest superstars and Morrison is not on the WWE’s roster.
The reason for this, however, is not because Morrison didn’t have the talent or the ability. According to a recent interview with X-Pac (who is no longer “missing”), Morrison left due to the lack of creative freedom.
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Morrison revealed some of the ideas he pitched that were ultimately rejected.
“That was one of the reasons I left (WWE). I was always having all these ideasโฆ Like every week I’d pitch something like, ‘I want to have a tanning bed match with Sheamus, loser gets locked in a tanning bed.’ “No.” I understand why that would be a no. I want to have a Porto Potty match with the Miz, to win you have to close someone in the Porto Potty and knock it over. I pitched these. I pitched all these ideas. It makes sense why you couldn’t do themโฆ I pitched the tanning bed idea to Vince (McMahon) and he laughed at it. I don’t know if he even thought I was serious. Mundo in Vince McMahon‘s voice, “Ha ha ha Shamus is pale ha.” I wanted him (Sheamus) to come out looking like Brother Love covered in that red stuff.”
The former ECW Champion also discussed the biggest difference in working for the WWE and the Indy scene and described a scene where he and Rey Mysterio nearly caused a riot.
“See this is the difference between AAA and WWE I was wrestling Rey (Mysterio) in a Perros Negras (Mexican Border Town)โฆ Some dude in the first row through a can of beer at me. It hit me in the back and fell down and I was kind of standing close to himโฆ WWE that guy would’ve been kicked out but this is Perros Negrasโฆ So what I did I picked the beer up and I chucked t back at the guy and it wasโฆ I’m not a very good throw but this one was a bull’s eye. I liked nailed him right in the face it blow up, it like splashed all over him and his friends. And when I looked over there I was like ooh I might have been too good cause that guys embarrassed. And then I looked and he was with about twenty guysโฆ Four of them hopped over the guardrail and there was only like one little security guard outside that tried to hold them back. And I ran and then Rey got out of the ring and got in the way too and was trying to stop them. And that instigated I wouldn’t call it a full blown riot but it pretty much started raining like beers and coins and like water bottles and cups and they called the match and told me to get out of there. And to me, I was like that’s coolโฆ That’s like one of the most real situations I’ve been in, in wrestling. And it’s not like that now. I think that’s the difference is that’s real heat. Where like the whole crowd was like we don’t just want to boo this guy we want blood.”
You can hear the entire interview here.
[H/T WrestlingInc]
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