Braun Strowman Has Hilarious Exchange with Wendy's

If you follow WWE's Braun Strowman on social media, it's probably not a big surprise to you that [...]

If you follow WWE's Braun Strowman on social media, it's probably not a big surprise to you that the "Monster Among Men" is big fan of the Wendy's fast food chain.

This became very apparent during a recent edition of WWE Ride Along on the WWE Network when Strowman and Alexa Bliss stopped at a Wendy's to get some food following a WWE live event.

After an incredibly long order (hey, Braun is a big dude), the restaurant made him wait much longer than anticipated. This caused Strowman to jump on his cell phone and make some threats via social media.

Wendy's responded rather promptly to the tweet. Eight minutes later to be exact.

This wasn't Strowman's last run-in with the company online. Following a long tour of Europe over the last two weeks, the WWE star took to Twitter again to make mention of the fast food chain. This time, though, it was on a more positive note.

More surprising than the stark turnaround in tone from his previous tweet directed at Wendy's is the fact that Braun Strowman actually apparently fits into the backseat of an automobile. The picture above is evidence.

Once again, Wendy's didn't take long to respond.

Well played, Wendy's.