How John Cena's Father is Responsible for 'The Worst Thing Ever Recorded' in WWE

We've all been embarrassed by our fathers. However, we should consider ourselves lucky that our [...]

We've all been embarrassed by our fathers. However, we should consider ourselves lucky that our dads didn't contribute to what Vince McMahon himself called the worst thing ever recorded in the history of professional wrestling.

WWE has put out plenty of cringe-worthy segments; the Gobbly Gooker, Mae Young's hand baby, Katie Vick, and Undertaker at WrestleMania 33 all come to mind. However, according to former WWE writer, Brian Gewirtz, the worst of the worst came from John Cena's father.

During his appearance on Edge and Christian's show, E&C's Pod of Awesomeness, Gerwirtz outlined a segment from the early 2000's that had a heel WWE Champion Edge accompanied by Lita paying a visit to John Cena's childhood home. While John Cena wasn't there, John Cena Sr. was.


"So [Edge] and [Lita], we went to the Cena house, yeah, and the idea was [Edge] would go in, make fun of his upbringing, make fun of his house, and eventually get into it with his dad and everything," illustrated Gewirtz.

More: John Cena's Dad Rips Alexa Bliss and Charlotte

"But what we didn't know was Mr. Cena is a bit of a performance artist in his own right. Yes, so and the line was just 'Edge berates John Cena's dad and storms off,' so then, [Edge] would berate him, and he goes, 'well, let me tell you something, I'm going to put you over the edge!' And then, he looks into the camera. We're like, 'what the f–k? What? Hey, Mr. Cena, in this particular set of circumstances, you are just going to stand there and kind of get berated. We're going to get sympathy for you and your character and everything,'" he explained.

But Cena Sr. had ambitions of his own and was ready to be the showstopper.

[Imitating Cena, Sr.] 'Oh, got it. Okay.' So then, [Lita] cuts her promo and it's like, 'let me tell you something chicky-poo, you're nothing! And I'm going to make sure you're both put over the edge!' He kept going back to that for some reason. He was doubling down on the 'over the edge' and [Edge] had to do [his] best to stop from laughing at everything. [Imitating Cena, Sr.] 'I don't care if you do it till the cows come home! Hahaha! See, because that's how it works around here in West Newbury, Massachusetts!' I'm like, 'what is happening?' He couldn't help himself and Cena warned us about it," said Gewirtz.

Gewirtz and the production team would send the footage to the Vince McMahon who was not shy about how he felt about the segment.

"Then we get the call from Vince [McMahon], Bruce and I, and he goes, 'guys, that might have been the worst thing we ever recorded in the history of this business. I'm extremely disappointed,'" Gewirtz remembered.

When WWE actually aired the footage, they made sure to have Edge talk over Cena Sr.'s embarrassing lines. So even though fans never got to hear the infamous dialogue, it's likely Vince McMahon has never forgotten it.

[H/T Wrestling Inc.]