WWE Reportedly Denied Ronda Rousey's Request to Work with Paul Heyman

04/05/2018 05:12 pm EDT

Given the coup that was WWE's acquisition of Ronda Rousey, one would think that there wouldn't be a request the former UFC Champion could make that WWE would refuse.

Well, turns out there's at least one.

According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Rousey asked WWE officials to be paired with Paul Heyman. However, it was a wish WWE could not grant, but not without good reason.

Per the report, WWE prefers the image that they're currently cultivatin—Rousey plays hero against corrupt authority figures. If WWE were to tell that story with Heyman alongside Rousey, it could send a confusing message to WWE's audience.

Since the beginning of time, Paul Heyman has been a heel. The same goes for his "clients" with the only exception being Brock Lesnar. For WWE to assign him to Rousey would seem to contradict the wholesome intentions of the Olympic medalist in her WWE excursion.

Even though Rousey's idea was rejected, that doesn't mean it wasn't a novel suggestion.

Paul Heyman is looked upon as the closest thing WWE has to a secret weapon. It's hard to imagine the success CM Punk, Big Show, and Rob Van Dam without the boisterous fairy dust of the Heyman behind them. However, his work with Lesnar is what he'll be most remembered for in WWE.

However, we can't help but fantasize about Heyman and Rousey linking up sometime down the proverbial road. At this moment, it looks like WWE is booking Rousey like a prettier version of Lesnar, so Paul Heyman would have a fine precedent to invoke.

But, for now, look for WWE to have Rousey go it alone. She'll team with Kurt Angle at this Sunday's WrestleMania, but after that, she'll likely be released upon the women's division as a solo competitor. She discussed her future with ESPN's Ramona Shelbourne after making her Royal Rumble appearance:

"This is my life now. First priority on my timeline for the next several years. This is not a smash-and-grab; this is not a publicity stunt," Rousey said in an exclusive interview with Shelburne. "When I first met with Triple H, I told him, 'There are other things I can do with my time that'll make way more money, but I won't enjoy nearly as much.'"

All signs point Rousey being in WWE for the long haul and we're all lucky she'll have multiple evolutions as a Superstar—including one involving Paul Heyman.

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