Gina Carano made headlines after she was fired from her role as Cara Dune on The Mandalorian, after posting a number of offensive posts on social media, including ones that mocked people who wore masks during the pandemic, spread misinformation about voter fraud during the 2020 Presidential election, and one that compared the plight of Jewish people during the Holocaust to being a modern conservative. In her first interview following Disney‘s decision, Carano appeared on The Ben Shapiro Show on The Daily Wire.
Carano spoke at length about her firing, and she alleged that Disney had already made the decision to cut ties before the post that broke the camel’s back. “They accidentally sent me an email, which was very enlightening, so I knew,” she told Shapiro. “I knew they were paying attention. I know there were some people who went to bat for me, but I know that they didn’t win out at the end.” Carano claims that she got final confirmation of her firing when the news hit social media.
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According to Carano, the studio plays favorites according to people’s political affiliations. “They’ve been all over me and they’ve been watching me like a hawk, and I’m watching people on the same production and they can say everything they want, and that’s where I had a problem,” Carano claims. “I had a problem because I wasn’t going along with the narrative.” It seems like Carano is taking a swing at Mandalorian star Pedro Pascal, who is vocally left-wing on social media, but she assures Shapiro that “there’s so much love there” even though he’s “done some hurtful things.”
“I adore Pedro. I adore him. I know he’s said and done some hurtful things. I don’t think posting anybody’s number on social media is okay,” she said. Pascal shared Sen. Ted Cruz’s publicly listed office phone number on Twitter in early January after Cruz’s involvement encouraging the insurrection at the Capitol. “But we had an agreement after we realized we were a little bit politically different,” Carano said. “We had an agreement that, first and foremost, you’re a human being. And you’re my friend first.”
Carano told Shapiro that she felt like people were “trying to drag [them] apart” since they occupied different areas of the political spectrum. “That’s what’s been really crazy,” she said. “You see these people [on one side] being so passionate and you see people [on the opposing side] being so passionate. I just love that we’re both passionate. We think a little bit differently, I think, through our different experiences. I know that we both have misstepped on our tweets. We’re not perfect. We’re human beings. But he’s not a bad human being. He’s a sweet person.”