'The View's Abby Huntsman Exits: Fans Chime in With Meghan McCain Takes

Abby Hunstman announced that she is leaving the cast of The View on Monday, and many fans assume [...]

Abby Hunstman announced that she is leaving the cast of The View on Monday, and many fans assume it has something to do with the alleged Meghan McCain feud. Rumors have been flying lately saying that the rest of the cast is at their wits' end with McCain, including Hunstman, who is the only other conservative voice on the show. After Monday's announcement, fans chimed in with questions and accusations.

Huntsman made the emotional announcement that she is leaving The View on Monday's episode. The main reason she cited for this decision was her father, Jon Hunstman who is currently running for Governor of Utah.

"This is always such a hard thing to do… but today I'm saying goodbye," Huntsman said at the beginning of the show. "My number one priority has always been my family."

Afterward, she echoed this remark on Twitter, sharing a selfie with her father. however, fans responded with speculation about McCain.

"Talk, talk, talk, yet you never make sense," one person tweeted. "You were so mean to Meghan too, just so you could score points with Whoopi, ridiculous."

"Sadly, I lost all respect for you on The View. You've lost all credibility with me," added another.

"Abby Huntsman really flourishes as a panelist when Meghan McCain isn't there to derail the conversation with Alt Right Trumplican talking points," wrote a third person.

In the spite of the assumptions, Huntsman and The View made no mention of animosity with McCain in regards to her departure. McCain sat at the other end of the table, apparently sad to lose a co-worker as well. Meanwhile, executive producers published a memo mourning Huntsman's departure.

"From the moment Abby joined us a year and a half ago, we knew how important her big family is to her," it read. "When your father asks you to help run your campaign, it's a hard one to say no to. We thank Abby for her unique, intelligent, insightful and relatable voice that she brought to the show both in front of and behind the camera. We will truly miss her and her great spirit professionally and personally."

Huntsman will now serve as a senior advisor on her father's campaign, bringing her experience as a Fox News pundit and a co-host of The View to bear. However, even she has mixed feelings about leaving this job behind.

"After much deliberation over the holidays, I have decided to leave the show to dedicate myself full-time in support of my dad and his campaign for Governor of Utah," Huntsman wrote in her own memo. "You know I think the world of all of you... ABC will always hold a special place in my heart, and so will all of you."

Huntsman will remain on The View until Friday. The show airs on weekdays at 11 a.m. ET on ABC.