Prince Harry's 'Unforgivable' Slight Revealed by Royal Expert

Prince Harry's animosity towards Queen Camilla in his memoir and in the press has reportedly angered the king more than many analysts realize.

King Charles III has long been considered Prince Harry's best chance at reconciliation with the royal family, but according to a report by Fox News, the king found Harry's writing about Queen Camilla "unforgivable." Prince Harry's 2023 tell-all memoir was not particularly kind to the Queen Consort, who had an affair with the king while he was still married to Prince Harry's mother, Prince ess Diana. Author Christopher Andersen told Fox that the public has underestimated the wedge this drove between Prince Harry and his father.

"I think people have to realize that the one thing that Charles finds unforgivable is criticism of Camilla," said Andersen, author of a biography of King Charles called The King. "There's no criticism of Camilla. And unfortunately for Harry... Harry said some pretty devastating things about her. He made it clear that he felt she was... the villain in the piece. I think that still bothers the king, and I don't know that it will be easy for him to [forgive]. I don't think they'll ever forgive Harry for that. [He's] on his own."

Prince Harry promised a "tell-all" with his book, Spare, and he certainly didn't hesitate to criticize his own family. He accused Queen Camilla of leaking private conversations to the media, reasoning that she wanted to trade valuable information in exchange for more favorable coverage of herself. He even implied that she needed a deal like this to shift public perception away from her history of infidelity.

Prince Harry reportedly felt that way long before he married Meghan Markle. He wrote about his father's wedding to Camilla in 2005, saying: "I had complex feelings about gaining a stepparent who, I believed, had recently sacrificed me on her personal PR altar. In a funny way, I even wanted Camilla to be happy. Maybe she'd be less dangerous if she was happy?"

Andersen suggested that there are more personal issues between Queen Camilla and the king's sons as well. He said: "We have to remember, he promised he would never make Camilla queen. And I think that's one thing that still bothers both Harry and William. It's unfortunate that Charles... promised he would never make Camilla queen. [He felt] that the way the people felt about Diana, they would never allow him to crown her by his side. But that's exactly what he did. So, in that sense, I think both William and Harry feel a sense of betrayal to this day on that issue."