
Donald Trump National Prayer Breakfast: President’s Threats to Mitt Romney, Nancy Pelosi Spark Response From Social Media

During his National Prayer Breakfast speech, President Donald Trump made some comments about Sen. […]

During his National Prayer Breakfast speech, President Donald Trump made some comments about Sen. Mitt Romney and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that have been perceived as threats, and those comments have sparked a lot of responses from social media users.

In excerpts from his speech, Trump said, “I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong nor do I like people who say, ‘I pray for you,’ when they know that’s not so. So many people have been hurt and we can’t let that go on,” seemingly referring to a past comment Pelosi made about praying for him regularly.

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“We have allies, we have enemies, sometimes the allies are enemies but we just don’t know it. But we’re changing all that,” he later added, possibly referring to Romney, who was the only Republican Senator to break with his party and vote against Trump.

Trump’s word have ignited a storm of comments on Twitter, with one user saying, “With Nancy Pelosi sitting right there, after she offered her prayer he attacked her faith. AT THE NATIONAL PRAYER BREAKFAST. One wonders what the normal people sitting there listening are thinking. I would have walked out. What a low life he is. “

“What kind of Christian scorns people for their faith in God? What kind of a Christian says that they are above god and that people should follow him over god & people should follow him to this place of judgement? [Donald Trump] is sickening,” another user said.

“I don’t like people who steal another Presidents (sic) accomplishments as his own milks the American people for every dime he can lies and cheats every day turns his back on our allies and puts children in cages shakes down countries to deny the American people a free and fair election,” someone else offered.

This week, ahead of the NPB, Trump was acquitted of the allegations he faced in his impeachment trial, and later he delivered the 2020 State of the Union address.