Doctors Remove More Than 200 Coins, Shaving Blades and Needles From Man's Stomach

Doctors in India discovered more than 260 coins and other foreign objects inside of the stomach of [...]

Doctors in India discovered more than 260 coins and other foreign objects inside of the stomach of man they were operating on.

On Nov. 18, doctors in the Rewa district of India's Madhya Pradeh state treated a man who had been rushed to the hospital for severe stomach pain, International Business Times reports. They initially believed the man was suffering from a bad case of food poisoning, but an X-ray revealed that his stomach contained various objects.

During an operation led by Dr. Priyank Sharma and five other surgeons, doctors successfully removed 263 coins, 10-12 shaving blades, four large needles, a chain, and pieces from glasses. In total, they weighed 5 kg, or more than 11 pounds. It is believed that the man is mentally unstable had begun eating the objects during a depressive state.

"We were shocked to discover that coins, nails and nut-bolts in his stomach. This man looks mentally unstable as no sane person would do something like this," Dr Sharma said. He went on to claim that he has never had a case like this before.

The patient alleged that he began experiencing pain about three months before finally seeing a doctor, though he said the foreign objects initially didn't cause him any discomfort.