Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooter Surrenders, 'Multiple Casualties' Confirmed

One gunman in the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting has surrendered, and authorities are already [...]

One gunman in the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting has surrendered, and authorities are already interrogating him.

A deadly shooting broke out at the Tree of Life Congregation synagogue in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh on Saturday morning. At least seven casualties have been confirmed in a report by local CBS affiliate KDKA2, and police exchanged heavy gunfire with the attackers as well. Just after 11 a.m., one gunman turned himself in to police, though authorities on the scene are still searching for other attackers.

Three officers were reportedly shot in the chaos, and the police were forced to retreat behind their cruisers for cover. They are now searching the building and the surrounding area thoroughly for any other public threats, including suspicious packages or weapons.

In spite of the early surrender, police are reportedly still treating the synagogue as an active shooter scene. People barricaded themselves within various rooms during the violence, and so far none have been allowed to leave yet. At least 12 people in total were reportedly shot, and first responders are rushing to get medical attention to those inside.

Law enforcement sources told CNN that the shooter in custody was immediately cooperative with their investigation. There is still no information on his motive, nor whether he worked alone, though most suspect he was carrying out an act of anti-Semitism. Saturday morning service is a critical time for the highly concentrated Jewish population of Squirrel Hill, where approximately 50 percent of Pittsburgh's Jewish community lives.

At the same time, authorities were urging local residents to stay inside and shelter in place. Family members rushed to the scene hoping to be reunited with their loved ones, but police kept them from getting close to the building, and asked them to stay away. Pittsburgh Public Safety issued a warning on Twitter.

"ALERT: There is an active shooter in the area of WILKINS and Shady. Avoid the area," it read. "More info will be released when it is available."

President Donald Trump responded to the shooting on Twitter as well. He revealed that he was watching live coverage of the event and sent well-wishes to those on the scene.

"Watching the events unfolding in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania," he wrote. "Law enforcement on the scene. People in Squirrel Hill area should remain sheltered. Looks like multiple fatalities. Beware of active shooter. God Bless All!"

Vice President Mike Pence sent out a similar message, commending the massive law enforcement response to the situation.

"Monitoring reports of shooting at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh," he wrote. "Praying for the fallen, the injured, all the families impacted, and our courageous first responders. God bless them all."