
New ‘Black Mirror’ Episode Is Making Subscribers Cancel Their Accounts


After over four years, Black Mirror for Season 6, and as per usual, the episodes brought some madness to fans who watched and made them question reality. The first episode of the season definitely brought the series to new heights and even made some subscribers cancel their Netflix subscriptions.

Season 6, Episode 1, “Joan is Awful,” sees Schitt’s Creek‘s Annie Murphy as the titular Joan, who comes across a new series on the streaming service “Streamberry,” called Joan is Awful, where it’s basically her life, literally, down to the hair, her job, and even her therapy sessions. With Salma Hayek playing the Streamberry version of Joan, the episode warps reality and starts to make you think someone is watching, which is why many fans are no longer keeping Netflix.

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‘Joan is Awful’ Broke a Lot of Brains

“Bro my brain hurt watching joan is awful [face with crossed-out eyes emoji],” one fan wrote. “Joan is Awful was was so good but my brain melted [melting face emoji],” another said.

Watch out for the Terms & Conditions

One fan pointed out, “They’re playing us all with the terms and conditions.” Another fan vocalized, “Joan is Awful issss so awful that I can’t imagine a life was ruined just by agreeing on the terms and conditions of a streaming platform.”

‘Black Mirror’ is Once Again Terrifying People

“Joan is awful is so fvking scary and I can totally see streaming services doing this in future, my goodness,” one fan expressed. “This Black Mirror episode ‘Joan is Awful’ is TERRIFYING. WHAT LMAOOOOOI WOULD DIE BY A THOUSAND PAPERCUTS,” another fan exclaimed.

Subscribers are Deleting all Forms of Netflix Thanks to “Joan is Awful”

One fan wrote, “[Joan is Awful] lowkey got me ready to delete my Netflix lmao.” Another admitted, “Joan is awful about to make me delete Netflix [loudly crying face emoji].”

It’s Getting to be Too Real

“joan is awful makes me wanna delete my netflix app right away it is just a litte too realistic if you ask me (it is really good),” one fan stated. “Watching Joan is Awful episode chileeee lemme delete my Netflix account im kinda scared,” another fan confessed.

“Joan is Awful” is Really Making People Rethink Their Netflix Subscription

“I think [Netflix India] is giving us headsup that they r gonna do to us similar to what they did to Joan in [Joanis Awful] in [Black Mirror 6],” one fan said. “May be it’s time to unsubscribeBut, such a brilliant episode & reality check abt DeepFake & Gen AI without restrictions.”