Netflix's 'One Day at a Time' May Be Canceled Despite Rave Reviews

Netflix may cancel its reboot of One Day at a Time, in spite of its rave reviews.The streaming [...]

Netflix may cancel its reboot of One Day at a Time, in spite of its rave reviews.

The streaming platform launched One Day at a Time back in 2017, and it was an instant hit. The reboot follows a working-class Latino family through every day life. The show is also beloved by those who watch it, but according to series co-creator and writer, Gloria Calderón Kellett, the audience is not as big as Netflix had hoped.

"NEWS: Met with [Netflix] about [One Day At A Time] S4," Kellett tweeted on Wednesday. "They made clear that they love the show, love how it serves underrepresented audiences, love its heart & humor, but... we need more viewers."

"I wish I felt more confident. WHAT CAN YOU DO? Tell friends to watch!" she finished.

Kellet included the Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score for each of the three seasons so far. The show has been a huge success, with a 100-percent fresh score on Seasons 2 and 3, and a 97-percent score on Season 1.

Series star, Danny Pino also tweeted about the show in Spanish, writing in support of Kellett, "Dale, mi gente," which translates to "Give him, my people."

Kellett is a jack of all trades on the series. She developed the reboot with Mike Royce, and has been an executive producer ever since. She has also directed three episodes, written throughout the series and even appeared in two episodes as Nicole.

One Day at a Time is an adaptation of a sitcom by the same name that ran on CBS from 1975 to 1984. The original, developed by sitcom legend Norman Lear, followed a recently divorced mother (Bonnie Franklin) raising two teenage daughters (Mackenzie Phillips and Valerie Bertinelli) on her own. The show was set in Indianapolis, and was rooted in working class life.

Much is the same in the reboot. Lear and the series original creators, Whitney Blake and Allan Manings, write on the show while Lear served as an executive producer for a time as well. The show now follows the Cuban-American Alvarez family, picking up shortly after Penelope (Justina Machado) separates from Victor (James Martinez), and moves out to raise her teenage kids (Isabella Gomez and Marcel Ruiz) on her own.

This time around, the family is joined by Penelope's mother, Lydia Riera (Rita Moreno), who moves in with them and helps carry the household. The show has been lauded for its honest yet hilarious look at life in the U.S.

The third season of One Day at a Time dropped on Netflix on Feb. 8. If you're hoping the streaming service will develop a fourth, recommend it to a friend!