'Big Mouth': Netflix Users Divide Over Controversial Planned Parenthood Episode

Season 2 of Netflix's Big Mouth premiered this weekend, but one episode in the middle of the [...]

Season 2 of Netflix's Big Mouth premiered this weekend, but one episode in the middle of the season has fans a little divided.

The animated comedy made waves when it debuted last year, portraying puberty and growing up in unapologetically lewd terms. This year, producers took it a step further when they created an entire episode centered around Planned Parenthood and the reproductive health services they offer. It is framed as a sex ed class, where characters discuss different aspects of Planned Parenthood in absurd cut-away skits.

Naturally, the politically charged topic had fans in an uproar on social media. The majority of fans were all in favor of the public service announcement, as Big Mouth has turned away most of the conservative audience already by its very nature. Still, some users took to Twitter to voice their disappointment in the firm and seemingly partisan stance.

"Love Big Mouth, but the fact that they made a whole episode talking about Planned Parenthood is annoying," one person wrote. "Not from a political standpoint or anything like that, just because I don't feel like watching a glorified planned parenthood ad for 30 minutes."

"Big Mouth just had an episode where they lied through their f—ing teeth about the racist organization planned parenthood," tweeted another, "and omitted how most of the contraceptives they put forward are actually abortifacients. Lying liberal scumbags."

These voices found very little traction in the conversation, however. The stunt seemed to pay off, as other audience members praised the show for taking a stand and hopefully educating a whole generation of young kids.

"I'm honestly not exaggerating when I say that the Planned Parenthood episode from season 2 of Big Mouth should be taught in sex ed classes," someone wrote.

"They need to show the planned parenthood episode of @bigmouth to all the gross old white male politicians," added another. "Like it should be mandatory as they are all coach Steve."

Of courses, the people behind Big Mouth expected the uproar. They spoke about the episode on Friday morning during a Q-and-A at New York Comic Con. Co-creator Nick Kroll seemed prepared and even a little excited for the backlash.

"I think all were just interested in telling the stories of puberty and sexuality, and first and foremost to be funny," he said. "If there happens to be some messages that are positive out there, or useful, then that's a great by-product."

Big Mouth season 2 is now streaming on Netflix.

Photo Credit: Netflix