The ongoing saga between Duane “Dog” Chapman and Moon Angell continues forward. Despite reports that Chapman is not engaged to Angell, a longtime family friend, he was seen popping the big question during a recent appearance on Dr. Oz. However, Angell recently addressed the situation when replying to an Instagram comment about her “soon-to-be-wedding.”
“He asked … watch Oz,” Angell replied, as noted by The Blast.
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Though it looks like Chapman proposed, insiders said that it was taken out of context, and the Dog the Bounty Hunter star was “talking to God in the bathroom during a break, and God told him he should propose.” He also apparently did not give Angell a ring, which typically accompanies a marriage proposal.
Elsewhere during his appearance on The Dr. Oz Show, Chapman was quite frank about the depression he’s endured since the death of his wife, Beth Chapman, this past summer.
“Well, I couldn’t stop crying,” Chapman said. “I’m Apache, I wasn’t going to commit suicide with a gun or something. I was going to take a lot of pills because she left — Beth left all her big pills there. So I thought, I just need one drink of water.”
When Oz himself asked Chapman if he was considering suicide, he said he was, before crediting Angell for being “rough” in order to pull him out of it.
“I say ‘brutally honest,’” Angell interjected. “I don’t go in and out. It’s one way. And this is the way we’re going to do it. He needs to get going. We need to get back on the show and get him busy again.” Angell also went on to confirm that she and Chapman do have an “intimate relationship.”
“It has to be intimate,” Angell explained. “Because there’s a lot of powerful things going on with Dog.”
While Chapman has been vocally reverent about the role Angell has played in his life since his late wife’s passing, not everyone in his family sees it as a positive thing. Most notably, “Baby” Lyssa Chapman, who sees Angell as someone who’s moving in on her father — and has never been shy about bringing it up on social media.
In fact, not long after news of Chapman’s apparent proposal on Dr. Oz started to make the rounds, “Baby” Lyssa tried to show some restraint at first but ended up calling Angell a “con artist” for moving in on her father in his time of grief.
Chapman and Angell’s Dr. Oz Show interview will air on Monday, Feb. 3.