It’s been a few days since the insane Westworld season finale and we are still processing everything that happened in that short 90 minutes of brilliant television.
While showrunners Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan did say that all questions would be answered except for one “what happens next” there were still a few unsolved mysteries left open to interpretation.
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We know that the Westworld Writers Room is already well into developing the second season, and hopefully the unanswered questions get…answered.
Let’s get into the 5 Biggest Questions After Westworld Season 1…

Is Ford Really Dead
The most baffling part of the Westworld finale occured at the celebration gala.
Ford had Dolores shoot him in the back of the head, while setting his ultimate plan in motion.
But…did Dolores kill the real Ford? Wouldn’t he want to know how his plan of sentient freedom works out?
There is a chance, that the Ford speaking at the gala was a robot version and not the REAL Ford.
As Ford was saying goodbye to Bernard and explaining more about his plan to help the hosts, the two friends shook hands.
“You needed time,” Ford said. “Time to understand your enemy. To become stronger than them. And I’m afraid that in order to escape this place you will need to suffer more. And now, it is time to say goodbye old friend. Good luck.”
The handshake is off. It doesn’t look natural or humanistic. In fact, Ford’s hand looks a bit archaic as he turned it to the side.ย
During this scene, the cameras zoomed in on the handshake, giving it either importance or the task of foreshadowing.
We’ve heard many times that the hands of the generation 1 hosts were never perfected and you can always tell a gen 1 by looking at their mechanical hands.
If Ford made a replica of himself, it would have been in the secret room under the house in sector 13 where he had older…robot making equipment.
We assumed he was making another version of Teresa…but she never returned as a host.
There is a huge possibility that the human version of Ford is still alive, and he pulled that stunt to make the world think he was gone, because he wanted out.

What Happened To Elsie
If you have visited the official Delos Corp website, there are a few transmissions of Elsie saying “Hello?” through a ton of static.
The finale did not address her fate, meaning maybe the showrunners didn’t think she was an important character or they just decided to let us assume that she is dead.
However, when the transmissions showed up on the official website AFTER the season finale, it made us think that Elsie could still be alive and kicking.
But where is she?ย
We have no idea what Bernard did with her after he attacked her in the theater.
Right now, we’re imagining poor elsie trapped in an old underground Delos building with no idea that there is a robot revolution going on right above her head.
We need to know what happened to Elsie!

Is Dolores Now Wyatt
By the end of the Westworld season finale, Dolores had gone “full-Wyatt.”
In a recent interview with THR, Evan Rachel Wood said that she was playing the role of two characters the entire season.
The differences were subtle, but they were there. As Wyatt her eyes were darker, her makeup was done differently to change the contour of her face, and her expressions were grimm.
If you go back and rewatch the season, you can easily pick up on these differences now, but the first time through we really had no idea until the last few episodes.
It’s almost as if Dolores was fighting the urges to become Wyatt again and Ford was the last straw in pushing her to full sentience – which ultimately turned her into an evil killing machine against the humans.
Evan Rachel Wood said:
“The way I interpret it, when she finds the center of the maze and is talking to herself at the end, consciousness is a conversation with yourself. It represents to me that Dolores is fully conscious. When she realizes who she has to become and it becomes her choice, Ford has just gotten through telling her that the divine lives in our minds.“
“She unlocks Wyatt and allows him to take over and Dolores disappears. So that was very bittersweet“
Ok, but Evan Rachel Wood doesn’t actually write the show…
Will we ever get our sweet-as-pie dreaming Dolores back or is she now Wyatt?ย

Did Clementine Kill The Man In Black
In the Westworld finale we finally learned that the Man In Black and William are one in the same in a rather tragic, heartbreaking scene.
Poor Dolores.
However, in the end, the Man In Black get’s exactly what he wanted the entire time – a real story with real stakes of life and death and he looks pretty darn happy about it, too.
While the rest of the people at the gala are being massacred by Dolores and other hosts, the Man In Black is in a nearby field enjoying some brown juice.
An entire army of hosts appear in the treeline and Clementine, who somehow has a real gun, shoots him right in the shoulder.
She’s with the Ghost Army and they are all approaching the Man In Black with the obvious intent to kill him.
Clementine shot him in the shoulder and he actually bled. If the rest of the angry host mob actually got to the Man In Black he would surely be dead.
So is he dead?ย
And if he is dead, did he die happy?
The only thing we know is that Ed Harris has already signed on for Westworld season 2, but that could mean a 30 second scene of him bleeding on the ground.

Is Stubbs Dead
Just like Elsie, Stubbs’ story wasn’t wrapped up.
The last we saw our favorite security guard he was walking around in the park looking for Elsie when a band of wild Ghost Nation natives attacked him.
But, this happened before Ford programmed the hosts to attack…at least we think.
And we can’t think of a good reason that Ford would want him dead, he was actually a very useful character, knowing the ins and outs of the park and also figuring out that something wasn’t quite right with Elsie.
We really don’t see Stubbs or Elsie as being a huge threat to Ford and his ultimate plan, so…where the heck is this guy?
If anything they would probably be useful during the rebellion.
However, maybe Ford saw Stubbs and Elsie as threats because they may have been capable of thwarting his plan to free the hosts.
Are we just supposed to assume that Stubbs is dead?ย
They can’t just leave us hanging!ย

NEXT:ย Season 2 May Take Place In Samurai World
More Westworld: Did Ford Really Die/The Man in Black Revealed /ย The Maze Revealedย /ย Ford’s New Narrative Revealedย /ย WESTWORLD FINALE RECAP WITH SPOILERSย
Westworldย will return for season 2 on HBO in 2018.ย