
Watch Wonder Woman School Stevie Wonder in This Epic Rap Battle

If Wonder Woman were to battle against Stevie Wonder in the rap arena who would win?You see, you […]

If Wonder Woman were to battle against Stevie Wonder in the rap arena who would win?

You see, you can’t really insult Wonder Woman because she is undoubtedly the most powerful and courageous superhero in the entire world.

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While Stevie Wonder has made some amazing contributions to the world of music, he doesn’t wear a cape or fly around in an invisible jet. In fact, he doesn’t even have his own Lasso of Truth.

We’re placing our bets on Wonder Woman taking down Stevie Wonder with some sick beats and freestylin’ flows.

Thanks to Epic Rap Battles Of History, we no longer have to WONDER about who would win. In the above video singer Lilly Singh as Wonder Woman takes on rapper T-Pain as Stevie Wonder.

And it’s defintely an epic battle of Wonder v. Wonder! This Amazon Princess knows what’s up!

To be fair, Stevie Wonder never really had a chance as T-Pain is known more for being a background hype man than a Master of Ceremonies. In the video he’s stuck in a dark room while Wonder Woman is spitting hot fire from her beautiful homeland.

However Lilly Singh is the most sucessful female YouTube star of all time. She can sing, act, rap, write books, and make people laugh. In 2015 she took her talents on a World Tour and will soon be releasing her book, “How to be a Bawse.”

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